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2d entered the living room with a cup of tea and some bagels on a plate. He sat down next to Ace who was already watching something on the tv. 2d placed the food on the table.

"What are you watching?" 2d asked.

"I really don't know anymore, I just turned on the tv and saw this movie playing." Ace claimed whilst reaching out for the cup of tea. He took a sip, making sure it wasn't too hot, before drinking it.

"This is really good D. What's in it?"

"Can't tell you." 2d giggled.

"Fair enough."

"Let's just say it's made with lots of love." He said while he hugged Ace tightly.

Ace set his head on 2d's lap, making himself comfortable while wrapping the blanket around himself trying to conserve the heat.

"You cold Ace?" 2d asked

"No, it's fine now. Thanks for asking though."

After a few moments had gone by 2d decided to pull Ace closer to him. The two started cuddling on the couch, arms tangled together. Then 2d started to shower Ace in kisses on his forehead, cheeks, neck, lips, and shoulders. Ace thought this was really cute, so he sat up and did the same to his boyfriend. Russel and Noodle walked into the room and sat on the other couches unnoticed. When the kissing went on for another 5 minutes Noodle decided to say something.

"if you guys are going to do that at least stop making weird sounds." She giggled. Russel just chuckled and reached for the remote, changing the channel.

"Sorry." The two of them said pulling away from each other.

"We're going to my room... To talk! Just to talk!" 2d said with a pink face.

"Yeah right," Russel said while smiling. 2d and Ace climbed up the stairs and made their way into the singer's room, it was cleaner than usual. And it smelt nicer too.

"Wow. You really freshened up your room." Ace said throwing himself on the mattress.

"It was about time I cleaned up my room. I didn't clean it ever since Murdoc went to jail because  I just couldn't get over the fact that I was finally free to do what I wanted. So I kinda went overboard with the... How could I say this in the best way possible? Contraband."

"You could have just said drugs Blue."

"Yeah but that doesn't sound really nice." 

"You are way too innocent for this."

"No. I do things. Well, I did things. Things I regret doing."

"Yeah like, what?" Ace chuckled, not believing in what 2d is saying.

"Dude, I have kids."

Ace sat up with his eyes wide open. 

"You have what?"

"Kids. Four of them if you want to get into the specifics. Two of them are 13, one is 12 and the last one is 14."

"Um. When did this happen?"

"A while ago. When we were working on Demon Days. But I've changed! I don't do any of that anymore! And I pay for childcare!" 2d blurted out.

"Blue, I know you have. But it's just shocking, knowing that you have... Kids."

"I'm sorry did I do something?"

"No, it's just that, I never knew. You never told me."

"Well, I just keep some things to myself sometimes. Everyone likes a little privacy."

"But, this is different." Ace's tone got more serious, almost angry.

"What do you mean? I don't have to tell you every aspect of my life."

"But this is different!" Ace stood up shouting.

"How? I don't even know half of your story! How do you expect me to tell you everything if you never tell me anything!" 2d stood up facing the bassist.

"You never ask me! Do you just expect me to blurt things out like that? Do you?!"

2d had enough of this. He got into a lot of fights and arguments with Murdoc back in the day. And when they both started screaming at each other, they would usually end the fight physically. And 2d was the one that always got hurt. But this time, 2d told himself that he wasn't going to let himself get beaten this time, even though he knew it wasn't Murdoc he was fighting with. His hand rose and he smacked it against Ace's face, causing him to grunt a little. Ace looked up and touched his cheek, whilst staring at 2d.

"I-I... Don't ever talk to me ever again." Ace said.

"W-what... I-I didn't mean... Fine! Don't ever talk to me again either!"

Noodle and Russel were walking up the stairs, heading for the studio when Ace ran out of 2d's room and into his own room slamming and locking the door. 2d slammed and locked his own door too. Noodle looked at Russel and then looked at 2d's door, then looked at Russel, then looked at Ace's door, and finally, looking at Russel again.

"What just happened?" Noodle asked.

"They had an argument, get over it," Russel answered and then continued to walk into the studio.

Noodle followed him inside. "Russ, just this morning they were kissing each other like crazy on the couch. I know that you saw them, dude."

"Yes I saw them indeed."

"Well, we need to do something. What do you think? Please?"

Russel hesitated for a while before sitting down next to his drum set. 

"Fine. But I'm only doing because 2d was happy, and I want him to be happy."

Noodle sat down next to him and started devising a plan. This was going to be the perfect plan. The plan of all plans that would get the two men back together. This plan is going to go down in history as the best plan in the history of plans.

It was around 7 pm and the two men were still in their rooms. Noodle knocked on 2d's door. He slightly opened the door. She told him to get dressed because they were going to eat dinner in a few minutes. Once she finished talking to 2d she did the same thing with Ace. So far, her plan was going smoothly. She just had to make sure that nothing bad happened at the restaurant. 

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