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 It was about 2pm and the two boys finished cleaning up their faces and left the bathroom. 2d still had Aces shirt on, which he forgot to take off. They both went downstairs to get some snacks. Noodle and Russel should be home in a few hours now. 2d took out a leftover chocolate cake from the fridge and cut it into two slices, gave one to Ace and proceeded to rummage through the cupboards to pull out a gigantic container of candy.

"That's a lot of candy there you got, Stu. What's the occasion?" Ace questioned a bit puzzled

"Oh, I just have it to please my tummy I guess?" Stu confirmed.

"You still say tummy?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" the singer teased.

"It's just really cute. You're in your 40s but still say tummy."

Ace opened the fridge and got out 2 beers out.

"Oh I don't drink, so i'll just have a glass of orange juice." 2d told ace

"Why don't you drink? Not that I want you to or anything."

"It makes me feel bad, physically."

They carried their food to the living room and placed it on the coffee table, and sat down in the couch, with Ace sitting up and 2d laid down with his head in Ace's lap. The bluenette suggested that they watch "Nightmare on Elm. Street" and the green man agreed since he wanted Stu to be as happy as possible. About halfway into the film, Stuart got up and excused himself to go get more cake. He had been gone for about 20 mins, when Ace paused the movie and decided to go check on him. He wasn't in the kitchen or in the music room, so he checked in the backyard, still nothing. Ace headed upstairs And checked in every room, his own, 2d's, Russel's, Noodle's, but nothing. So he concluded that he was in the bathroom. He slowly walked up and gently opened the door to find the singer over the sink, silently crying.

"Stu dear, what's the matter, what happened?"

"Will you promise to not be mad?" the bluenette sobbed. And with that Ace nodded his head, not knowing what to expect.

"I cut myself with the knife a-and it's bleeding a lot and..." He tried to hold back the tears.

"And?" Ace said worried about the bluenette, thus getting closer to him

"And I ruined your shirt, look at at! It's covered in blood!" just like that, 2d threw himself onto the bassist and started crying really carefully, making sure to not ruin his other shirt too.

"Aw, Stu dear. It's okay. It's just a shirt! We can wash it later!" The green man said in a soft voice trying to comfort his boyfriend.

Stuart had tried stopped sobbing, but he couldn't look Ace in the eyes, which just made him sob even more. He had seen him cry, which was embarrassing on its own because he knew his face was red all over again. If he was Ace he would never forgive himself.

"Let's clean you up huh? Make it better?"


Ace opened the medicine cabinet while he gestured for his boyfriend to sit down on the toilet while he looked for the bandages and rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. Once he found everything he needed, he sat down on the floor so he was facing 2d.

"Can you show me the cut hon'?"

2d showed him his left hand, and in the middle of his palm was scar that went from his pointer finger to his pinkie. Ace looked at it, then looked up to 2d, who was trying his best to hold his tears in.

"Let it all out Stu. Don't be afraid of crying infront of me, I won't judge ya, it's natural for people to cry."

The bassist stated while taking a cotton ball full of rubbing alcohol and dabbing it on the scar causing 2d to 'Hiss' between his sobs. Then he stood the bluenette up and opened the sink water on hot and placed the singers hand under it to clean up the blood. After all most the blood was gone he took a towel to dry of his hand.

"Feel better now?" Stuart nodded, with less tears coming out now.

The last thing the green man did was wrap his boyfriends hand around in the bandages, sticking the ends together with medical tape, before kissing it.

"What about your shirt?" 2d asked

"Oh, right. Come with me." The duo entered Ace's room again. 2d sat on his bed and took the shirt off, neatly placing it next to him. Ace came over and handed 2d another button up shirt, but this time instead of pineapples there were roller skates on them.

"You really trust me this much, to give me another shirt?" Stuart asked looking down at his feet

"You know that it wasn't your fault right?" Ace started trying to get the singers eye contact. "Are you afraid to look at me?"

2d nodded. "Why Stu?" Ace asked with concern.

"Because it's humiliating."

"What's humiliating Stu?"

"The fact that you've only been here for a short time, and you've seen me sulk, having one of my days, blush multiple times, hurt myself and cry."

"And? I still love you don't I?" Stuart was shocked to hear those words.

"You do? Really?"
"Of course I do. I want you to come and talk to me when somethings wrong okay? It's unhealthy for you to hold things in like that, and it feels nice. Taking care of you "

"You've really got a real soft side Copular." 2d said ruffling his hair.

2d put the shirt on and they headed out of the room and back downstairs, into the living room to continue to watch the movie. Ace held 2d especially close to him, which made stu feel really warm on the inside.

When the movies end credits were rolling, Noodle and Russel came back home, with a fair amount of shopping bags and Katsu. They came into the living room, to find Ace on the couch but no 2d.

"Heya Acey! Howr'ya? Was being home alone with Toochie fun?"

"Aw yeah! It was great we got to know each other a lot more than before!"

"That's nice? Why is your hair all messy?"

"Oh I just didn't brush it."

2d walked into the room and Noodle rushed over to see if he was okay, due to the bandage around his hand. She panicked but 2d told her that Ace patched it up for him. She also noticed that he was wearing Ace's shirt. And at that moment she suspected something was going on, because Ace was nice but he wasn't that nice to let someone wear his shirt and he only knew 2d for less than a week! And because they both still have their boxers on even though it was 3. But she didn't say anything because she wanted to make sure she was right first.

After dinner the bluenette and the green man excused themselves and both went upstairs. Noodle turned to Russel and told him everything.

"Yeah, 'tis fishy how they both were still wearing boxers at this kind of time" Russel agreed.

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