Max's Sneezes

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"Hey Max!" Called Nikki as she ran towards him.

Max, who was kneeling down and tying David's shoes together so he would trip over, gave her a scowl. David looked down at the ten year old as Max slapped David's shoes in annoyance.

"Oh heya Max! Didn't see you there," chirped David.

"Shut up David," the boys snapped. "What the fuck do you want Nikki?"

"Neil and I picked some flowers that were in the forest." She pulled a bundle of white flowers from behind her back and to Max's face. "Smell good huh?"

Max took a good whiff of the flowers, taking in the sweet smell. They smelled so good he took another whiff.

"They're alright," said Max nonchalantly.

Nikki then handed them to David as the boy felt something tickle his nose. He wrinkled it a bit so the feeling would stop but it only got worse.

Before he knew what was happening...

"Achew," he sneezed softly in a high pitch.

The two people both stared at him in amazement.

"Awwwww," they both cooed.

Max immediately shot an intimidating glare as the tickling in his nose started back up again. His glare only made Nikki and David laugh to themselves but Max was sure they were internally shitting themselves. Before he could say anything...


"What's this?" Asked Gwen, seeming to come out of nowhere.

"Just Max being adorable," David explained.

"FUCK OFF DAVID! I'M NOT... chiw!"

"Aww," half of the camp said.

"You're all dead to me."

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