Max doing something I did today but with a fluffy twist and David

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Idk why but I always feel embarrassed when I take naps.

'Dammit,' Max thought as his phone screen loaded.

He sat alone on the bed in his room, staring at his phone. He was stuck, too tired to do anything but watch videos.

Earlier that day, David took him to the park where they met Neil and Nikki. The park was full of laughter as Neil and Max got their asses kicked against Nikki in soccer.

Max smiled at the memory as his eyes started to droop. He placed his phone down beside him and pulled the earbuds out of his ears. There was no point of trying to watch videos when there was no internet.

His head wanted to get his butt off of the bed then march up to David and demand for the Wifi back. His body refused to move from the spot he was sitting in. Instead he found his body leaning to the left.

He sat back up straight and opened his eyes, not knowing why he was so tired. He was too tired to question it but not too tired for his will to get Wifi to perish.

His eyes drooped a bit more when he leaned to the right. He sat back up straight, remembering his goal to watch videos. He would be entertained and only David could let that happen.

The boy couldn't sit up straight for long though as his head lolled forward, towards the pillow on his lap. Maybe the Wifi didn't matter. Maybe he just needed to close his eyes, just for a moment.

When his head hit the pillow Max was already in a light doze, unaware that he would sleep a part of his afternoon away.

"Max," a soft voice called, cutting through the comfortable darkness he was in. "You wanna snack?"

The boy slipped into the darkness of sleep once again, embracing it without fully knowing it.

"Max? Are you okay bud?"

The boy was once again pulled out of his little nap. It took him a couple of seconds to remember where he was and what exactly he was doing.

"Max?" Asked David, his voice becoming desperate. "I'm gonna come in okay?"

The door swung open as a scared man rushed into the room. As if his body was moving for him, the boy sat up and started at David. His groggy mind was just grasping what was going on. When they locked eyes, Max's guardian immediately smiled.

"Oh," laughed David. "You were just napping."

Overcome with embarrassment, Max's cheeks heated up. "No I wasn't asshole! How do you think I am?! Two?!"

The man chuckled again. "No, of course not. You just got drool on your pillow and on your face by watching your videos."

"Fuck you," the boy muttered, wiping the wet substance off his face.

"Language sleepy head," David said calmly. "Want a snack?"

"I'm not a toddler David!" He exclaimed.

Just after his outburst he felt a yawn creeping up his throat. When he finally let it out, there was a kitten-like squeak coming from him.

"Everyone takes naps Max. Now, do you still want that snack?" David asked, taking his phone put of his pocket.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sneered Max, not taking his eyes off of David's phone.

"I just got a message from Gwen."

The boy eyed him suspiciously, noting his every movement.

Before he could react, David pointed his phone at Max. "Say cheese!"

Max didn't even think to swear before he saw a white flash. His head was titled slightly to the side, his eyes half closed with sleepiness.

"Aww," cooed David.

"Delete it now or I swear to-"

"Okay, okay. Just look at how cute you are!"

Before Max could come up with a snarky remark David showed him the photo of him. His cheeks turned a bright shade of crimson when he saw himself captured on David's phone.

His raven hair was fluffier than ever as one side of his face was a slight shade of pink with some creases from the pillow he was resting on. What made it worse was the confused look on his face.

Max attempted to snatch the phone off of David but the bastard was too quick. Max gave him a powerful death stare that David didn't even flinch at. Fuck! He lost all of his power!

"Snack?" David asked with a beam.

Max huffed in annoyance then smirked, knowing he already lost his pride. "Fine."

"Come on, let's get our fruit," said David, walking out of the room.

"Ahh," Max groaned, getting up from the bed. "Fucking fruit?!"

"It's good for you!" David called from the hallway.

"It's good for my ass!" Max called back.

The backstory is different for Max because I thought it would give the story depth. I just felt tired a few hours before dinner and fell asleep while sitting up on my bed for no particular reason. No one came in (thank God) so my embarrassment was saved. It's cute when it happens to Max.

This happens way too often tho.

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