They Meet Again

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Ima try something different

"Okay Maxwell," says Mrs Mackey. "The new family you're going to be sent to is an man in his mid-twenties living with his girlfriend."

Max leans further into the leather chair of the old car and rolls his eyes.

"Like it'll make a difference who they are," the boy mutters with spite.

"And you have to watch it with the attitude this time!" The old hag snaps at him. It's not like he isn't use to it.

She isn't that old though, only old to the eleven year old in the front seat of her car. Her strawberry blonde hair has so many streaks of grey, Max often wonders if she's fourty eight like she says she is. The fact that she dresses like an old hag doesn't help to disprove his point.

"I know. That's why the Carpenters gave me up," he scoffs.

"Now, now," she says. "It's not like that. They just weren't... prepared for such a... lively presence."

He snickers at her word use, knowing exactly what she means. It isn't like he heard her rants when she thought he wasn't listening two days ago.

He thinks back to when he lived with his previous family and how fucking terrible it was. Sure, they're nice people and they were nice to him but there was hardly any love there.

Hell, he felt more love from his fucking camp counselors than those guys. Two people looking after a bunch of kids for a summer cared for about him than a family of four. That says something, but he's not sure about who.

"Whatever you say old hag," he sighs.

She huffs out a breath with anger then automatically smiles again, all while not taking her eyes off of the road.

"These people have worked with difficult children before and have actually requested a child with personality," she explains, her tone dripping with passive aggression.

"Alright, let's see how long they last."

This is going to be fun.

Something about what Mrs Mackey had said leaves Max a bit anxious about his future. If he doesn't appeal to them, then what? Where would he go after that? Who would want him?

Then he remembers what he told himself before going into foster care. No one will want to keep him. It was true though. Half a year and he had already been through someone. He already accepts that he's a lost cause.

He has no purpose, no one to love him, no one to love. He's lost and he can't say he likes it.

"The trip will be a couple of hours," Mrs Mackey says, snapping Max out of his thoughts. "So make yourself comfortable. Feel free to have a nap."

The last part she says quieter than the rest, letting Max know her true intentions. It's no secret she doesn't like him one bit and Max, in turn, hates the fucking bitch.

Last time he was in her car, he kept causing trouble on purpose. He would keep changing the radio, reach over and honk the horn, get into little arguements, drop his snacks everywhere and basically try whatever he can to annoy the old woman.

He recalls an earlier conversation with the woman where he complained about having a headache to try and get out of going to a knew house to mess up. She faked her sympathy with "pitiful" eyes and gave Max two Panadol pills. Right after he took them she apologized and asked if it was alright that they were the nighttime ones.

That sly bitch.

He glances towards the blanket in the back seat and the neck pillow resting on top of it. He wouldn't let that fucking bitch get away with it.

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