Chapter Four

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To sag that I was horrified to see how Lockwood rolled his eyes and stumbled over would be an understatement. The look in his eyes as he caught mine, the pure desperation and pain was all I needed to burst into tears. Yes, the cool and always collected Lucy Carlyle cried her whole heart out. I wanted to jump up and run to him, but I couldn't move! My legs wouldn't listen to me. At the other end of the room I saw George, who had the shock written all over his face, probably just like me. The leader made a sound of surprise and pulled his rapier out of Lockwood's stomach. I flinched when Lockwood groaned. I thought he was going to completely collapse or just pass out, but to my great surprise he raised his head and looked at the man with pure hatred.
His opponent bent down to Lockwood with a slight smile and spoke with a soft voice that anyone could still hear:
"Wow, aren't you a little go-getter. Always have to be the main character in everyone's story, hm. I don't think anybody expected that now! Very heroic but still suicidal of you!"
He bent over even further:
"You're either terrible dumb or madly in love..."
I heard George catching his breath behind me. Lockwood face didn't change. The anger still written all over it.
„... Nevertheless my orders were to kill the girl, not some love struck boy that thinks he has to save the day!"
With these words he turned to me and came closer, slowly raising his rapier above his head. I sucked my breath in and looked for a way out. Something that would at least buy me some time.
He was getting closer and closer...
Three more steps..., two more...
"Don't you dare get closer to her!"
A pressed but still powerful voice sounded and I looked up in surprise. Lockwood had got up, one hand was pressed on his wound, the other clutched his rapier. My attacker curled his lips and clicked his tongue:
"Fine. You're a fighter. I'll give that to you! Given that punch you should be dead by now." His smile grew even wider. "But I'll make you a promise. I'll kill you first so you don't have to watch your girlfriend die. I'm not a monster after all."
He immediately turned around and went after Lockwood. He struck at him with one swift blow. Lockwood evaded, untypical for his character, not very elegant. The man reacted immediately. He lifted the sword and stabbed Lockwood again. He could prevent the worst from happening but still got hit. This spectacle was repeated a few more times, then Lockwood's attacker became angry. With a quick movement he knocked the sword out of Lockwood's hand and kicked against his wound with full force. Lockwood went down in pain. The man smiled, lifted the sword and gave him another scratch on the chest. He now may had to support himself on the ground with one hand to avoid tipping over, but still looked at his attacker with challenging eyes. His opponent grinned and was about to do the final blow when new voices sounded outside of the museum. The man looked up in annoyance and put the sword away.
"Well, looks like it remains a lesson for you! Ralf, Shaw, we're leaving! One death is enough!"
When he noticed that his two helpers were lying unconscious on the ground, he snorted scornfully, walked up to them and kicked them hard in the stomach. As if they had waited for this moment, they almost immediately opened their eyes and hoisted themselves up. Together they stormed out of the room.
Finally I could move again. I jumped up and ran to Lockwood. George was crawling towards him, too.
"Oh, my God, Lockwood!" I said when I saw his closed eyes.
But when he heard my voice, he opened it:
"Hey, sweetie."
"Oh gosh. You got a wound. A deadly wound! Lockwood, you should be dead!"
The tears was close to falling again and my hands just wouldn't stop shaking.
"Well, I'm tougher than you think," he said quietly and pulled his coat back.
I could see his wounds and I was amazed. The stab wound bled heavily, but was not deep. I was more worried about his other two big scratches.
"Oh, my God..." I said again.
Now George had arrived too, staring at Lockwood in horror.
"Hey, guys? What's the matter with you? I'm fine!" You could hear Lockwood spasmodically trying not to let on the pain. That gave me the rest.
I broke into tears.
"Anthony Lockwood! You bloody muttonhead? We all thought you were gonna die! Don't just jump in front of every danger you see! You deserve to live to, you know! I need you...", I whispered the last words without breath. And from that moment on, I didn't care if George saw anything or not.
So I bent over and kissed Lockwood without hesitation. George opened his eyes in surprise and muttered: "I'll call an ambulance..."
I heard footsteps that slowly faded away and pulled back from Lockwood, who grinned at me with his 1000 gigawatt smile.
"He didn't expect that!"
I grinned back: "No, he didn't! Come on, we should get you out of here! It wouldn't be good for the agency if you were found injured at the Fittes Mausoleum!"
I helped him up and offered him my shoulder. Gratefully he leaned against me and together we limped to the door.
Only now I noticed Kipps staring at us with an open mouth, and Holly still lying unconscious on the floor.
"Will you please help Holly and take her upstairs?" I asked him.
He nodded (still with his mouth open) and dragged himself to Holly.
I didn't care about the reactions of my colleagues. Right now I was just happy that we all got out of that thing alive.

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