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Damn it ! What was that all about ?!

I kept banging my head on my locker door . What happened in that classroom was humiliating ! My face heats up whenever I remember what I just did to Tristan ! How can I face him after that ?!

"You're so stupid, Ylva. Stupid . Stupid . Stupid -" I felt a hand on my forehead and the familiar sensation flooded my body . His gentle hold kept me in place, stopping me from giving my head a bruise from the banging .

I turned around and saw Tristan in all of his glory . He's wearing a plain black v-neck shirt that looked suffocating to him because of his well built body . Damn , what does it feel to clinged on those broad shoulders?

"You'll hurt yourself," Damn ! Even his voice makes me want to throw myself to him .


I was harshly snapped back to reality when I heard that familiar voice . I saw Lewis standing next to Tristan . His smug expression is replaced with amusement .

"You're drooling," he says as his eyes twinkle with malicious mischief . I automatically reached for my lips down to my chin and that made him laughed out loud . There was no drool ! His laughter echoed on the hallway .

"Fuck you !" I growled at him . He stopped laughing alright but there is still a hint of laughter on his fucking ugly face . I gaze around the crowded hall and saw some of the students watching us, curiosity written all over their faces .

"That wasn't nice at all," he mumbles playfully .

I opened my mouth but quickly shut it again when I can't think of a response . My brain cells are still scattered to oblivion because of what happened inside . My stupid eyes feels like it has mind of it's own when they focused again to Tristan .

"Happy birthday, by the way . I'm sorry, we didn't have the chance to properly introduce ourselves . I'm Tristan Craine . This joke over here is Lewis Black." I saw Lewis curtsying as he was being introduced in a very sarcastic way . I rolled my eyes at his funny act of civility when in fact he's far from being a gentleman . I faked a coughed trying to stabilize my now too fast heart beat . I gaze up and saw Tristan looking at me with, what I think is, longing. His set of blue orbs will surely haunt my dreams starting tonight . His eyes darted to my lips when I unconsiously licked them . For a fleeting moment, I saw his eyes turned a darker shade but before I can confirm it, he looked away from my gaze .

"So .. H-how did you know about my birthday?" I asked . Lewis smiled knowingly at me, as if he know something that I don't . He snaked his left arm to Tristan's neck and playfully smacked him repeatedly on his chest . My eyes followed every pat that he gives Tristan's broad chest . It looked firm and strong . Shit ! I need to stop admiring his huge pecs !

"My gorgeous friend here kinda heard about it from a friend," he said with full of confidence. I cringed at his chosen words . Lewis calling Tristan gorgeous makes every hair on my body stand up . It's very wrong in so many levels .

He must have seen the way my face contorts with disgust because he suddenly pushed Tristan away from him, then faked a cough . Tristan looks like he wants to vomit but chooses not to . I raised my brow at Lewis, remembering his words about a source .

"Who is this friend you're talking about ?" I asked suspiciously . I smell something fishy about this . They must be plotting something to embarass me further.

He shrugged, "Just a friend . Anyway, we would like to invite you to a party tonight !" He said . I smirked at him .

"You know, I still remember what you did to me on the first day of school . Do you really think that I would go to a party with you?" My eyes narrowing at him . The corner of his lips lifted as I decipher his intention of inviting me .

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