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Her Life


Daddy shouted . I could hear hatred in his voice, as if the mere pronounciation of my name gives bitterness to his mouth . As if my existence is something he doesn't approve of .

All I am to him now is nothing but a soldier that can be used against our mortal enemy, the Werewolves . He trains me to be a Hunter so that I can enter the Academy which allows the elder sons of each family to be educated and to be trained so that they could protect our homes against the enemy . But to his dismay I'm neither the eldest nor a son . I'm his 13 year old daughter . And females aren't allowed to enter the Academy .

4 years ago, when I was just 9 years old, Mommy and my big brother died because we were attacked by Werewolves . Unfortunately that night , Daddy, together with some men, was assigned to do a perimeter check in the woods .

Mommy and Andrew Jace died protecting me . And when my Father came home from their mission, he saw them bathing on their blood with me, holding Mommy's body.

Ever since then, he changed . He was no longer the Father I grew up with, he became a monster himself . Beating me until he's satisfied . Punching, kicking and then if he's in the mood he would strangle my neck with his bare hands . Some of the townfolks tried to save me from him but I don't want to leave him . I am the reason why his beloved wife and son died . Thats what he's keep on telling me since then and his words grew inside me . I woke up one day, feeling the guilt that maybe I really am the reason why they are dead and why Daddy is so miserable .

I willed my body to move because I know what will happen to me if I don't go down now, but to my disappointment, my body is aching all over . I'm having my training for the past two years, but my fragile and young body can't seem to handle the training my Father is giving me these past few days . At least I could still feel pain because it's my only reminder that I'm still alive .

"Ylva ! Come down now ! I know you're awake so get your lazy ass down here !" This time it's not just a shout. His tone is clipped with impatience and anger .

"C-coming Daddy !" I answered back, afraid not to answer because all hell will break loose if I don't . My mind and body seems to remember every kiss of his whip on my skin, a day after my first da1y of training . I'm exhausted and I overslept . I didn't heard him calling and when he went to my room I was forced to be awaken, so just I could protect myself from his attacks . I grimaced upon remembering that painful day .

I forced myself to get up and went to the shower, I dressed my usual tee shirt and shorts and put my running shoes double time . After 5 minutes, I went down and saw Daddy sitting on a chair having his breakfast . My stomach grumbles. I haven't had anything since yesterday morning . He won't let me eat because he isn't "satisfied" with my training .

"Run to the woods . Give me a mountain lion's head " he said without even glancing at me . And hearing his request makes me want to cry already . A lion's head !? I want to shout it to him but I can't find the courage to do so .

"B-but Daddy- " I felt my eyes starting to get blurry with unshed tears . He abruptly turns around and faced me . Loathing is evident on his face .

"Don't argue with me ! Do as I fucking say or I'll beat the shit out of you again !" he shouted .

I clenched my fist and silently walk outside of the house . Unwelcomed tears blinded my sight .

I'm getting tired of my situation. I don't deserve this kind of treatment from my own father. I want to prove to him that I am not responsible for his lost . I felt rage and anger in me, not only for my Father but also to those dogs that ruined our life , my life ! I will make them pay for my pain and suffering .

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