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Since that day on the woods, I didn't saw either Tristan or Lewis again, not even at school. I was feeling a little disappointed when I didn't saw Tristan on our first class the other day. And I was more devastated when I didn't saw him for a whole month . I don't like the feeling of emptiness I feel whenever I see the vacant seat behind me where they were supposed to seat . Why am I feeling this way? As if I lost something very significant . I didn't feel like this when my father hunged himself in front of me, so why now?

When the school bell rang, I immediately walk out of the classroom . Hallways was filled by loud students, chattering about something that they will do this weekend. A very typical thing that students at my age do, but not me . I have to work harder because of the attacked that happen last month. I don't want something like that to happen again so I personally developed the route for patrol and the number of person involved . I also need to strategize where to put the border guards .

I walked out of the campus, smiling at some people who greets me, and headed home to deposit my school bag and to change clothes too . And so a pattern has been developed ; wake, eat ,school, home, work, eat and sleep. I hardly had time to spend with my family but they have been very understanding .

I was walking on my way to the baracks when I bumped into someone . My books fell into the street . I hastily picked them up and the last book was handed over to me by someone . I have too much assignments that I had to bring them to work !

"Sorry." he said . I glanced at him and I think my jaw dropped . It's Tristan ! I slowly took the book from him.

"You .. " I whispered . Why am I whispering ??

"Me?" he said as he raised an eyebrow. I mentally slapped myself when I realized I'm stupidly gawking at him .

"I .. I .. w-was .." Damn it ! Why am I stammering ?! I shaked my head and looked at him again only to see him walk away from me . I was about to call him, ask him about what happened to him, when a girl appeared and clung her arms to his arms . She smiles seductively and encircles her finger across his chest as she speaks. My mouth drops open when I saw the infuriating scene in front of me .

I had this sudden feeling of wanting to break her neck ! She looked at my way when Tristan looked at me . Her big blue eyes met mine, then she smirked and tighten her hold in Tristan's arms . As I stand immobilize, weighing my thoughts of her death, they both walked away, Tristan's hand on her shoulder and her, in Tristan's waist.

I felt a pang of pain in my chest and suddenly I want to cry, bigtime ! What's happening to me ? What is he doing to me?

I don't know him. He's too mysterious for my liking . Yet, somehow, I feel different under his gaze . As if he is calling to me yet, he doesn't.

I violently shake my head . Good God Ylva !! Get a grip !! I shouted at myself . I continue walking with a fast unhesitating pace to the baracks but I change my route, perhaps I'll walk towards the woods . Walking down the streets is not a good idea now because I might bump to them again and I'm freaking sure I'll break her neck this time .

God ! you sound like a jealous wife ! my subconsious screamed at me . Am I ? I wasn't aware of that feeling . Jealousy ? Is that what this is?

Nah ! Too impossible .. I don't know the guy and I'm sure as hell that I won't fall inlove with him that fast. Not that fictional statement : Love at first sight . Not even on second or third sight that I'll fall in love with a man that the only thing I knew about is his name. It's just curiousity .....

I guess?

"Good Afternoon, Ma'am" someone greeted me . I nod and sighed as I headed for my table. I wasn't even aware that I'm already here . Damn you, Tristan !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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