Epilogue <3

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((Quick note before the other note. Sorry about it taking me so long to get this out. I was having trouble with it and still don't like how I ended the second part but ya. I hope ya guys like it and thank you so much))


So, I wanted to say this quick before the chapter, and if you want to skip it because it's long and boring you can. I get it. I'm not that interesting lol, but I just wanted to thank you.

I've probably said most of this, but you guys mean so much to me. When I'm feeling bad, I go through and read old comments. I don't think I once got a mean or rude comment. I am grateful for all the comments telling me something I did well, or something I could improve on, but whatever you said, you guys always said it so nicely. You guys are just so amazing....

Really. Like I said in Chapter 55, this was my first fanfiction, and it started with a piece I wrote for ELA (it was originally a straight story. Can you imagine me writing something S T R A I G H T?? hoRrOr), that I realized sounded like Alex and John. Back then, I was so scared to post. I read it back back now, and the writing was so awkward lol!

You guys, if you're still reading here at Chapter Sixty-Something, just....thank you.... Thank you so much.

6 years later

John's POV

I toss an old bottle of soda in the back of my car, as I get further down County C. Today is me and Alex's 5 year anniversary from the first kiss. I still remember that day as vividly as if it had been yesterday.

I humm a little as I turn on the radio. I'm headed to the gas station that was the start of our relationship. Alex called me 20 minutes ago, and told me to come quickly. He told me that he had some new. Now, as expected, that made me nervous.

"News" usually doesn't mean anything good.

"News" usually means that he did something stupid again.

Like really stupid. Like the time, he cheated on me with Maria Reynolds. They hurt both me and Eliza with that. But we're mostly over that. It was 3 years ago. We're okay now, but that was a bad time in our relationship, for obvious reasons.

I speed up a little, and keep on the road. 40 minutes later, I pull into the lot of the of the gas station.

Alex's POV

I switch my tie one last time, before glancing at my watch.


I can't be late to my own proposal. I'm proposing to John. I'm proposing to John. I'M PROPOSING TO JOHN!

Without stopping the I already know that something's wrong. I don't feel great. I think I might vomit.

It's just nerves. You're not sick, I say to myself, before grabbing a plastic bag from the back seat and promptly vomiting into it. I pull back in my seat, trying to make sure I don't get anything on my clothes and I vomit again.

I let go of the steering wheel.

I happens almost in slow motion.

As I let go, I try to stay straight. I try to keep going, but as I bring my hands back to the steering wheel, I start to dry heave, causing my hands which were just barely on the wheel, to slip. The wheel spins, and I swerve into the next lane.

The only thing I see before I slam into the red jeep in the next lane is John's face.

They say that when you die, you relive your life. This is true, but not in the way you expect.

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