Is philophobia even related--

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if u don't know what is the meaning of philophobia well is a fear of being loved.
Anyway so I have a weird kind of sickness that it's like I cringed when write about love or something but whenever I saw someone snuggling kissing or something that's related to love I began to feel dizzy and when our teacher says or tells us a story of love I began to feel dizzy and my chest hurted a little. And my head do hurts too when I read some love stuff but I wanna read it and the worst one is If I think about hentai or love I began to feel dizzy and my head will hurt a little I dunno why though.. so I know u guys who is my new fictional senpai right? Well whenI thought about him I began to feel dizzy. So tell me if that's part of the philophobia sickness. Ok!

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