Will I ever feel love again?

21 3 0

I am disgusted on love,
Though I never know Why
Is it because I don't care?
Or is it because...I hated it?

It's between those two thing
But will I ever answer it?
I know it's an odd reason
But I can't think of it

I can feel love but I never felt one
The one which is the true meaning of it
Is it because I'm used at being alone
Or being misunderstood by someone

I can't seem to find my wanting love
But why am I hopeful
Is it because I wanted affection?
Or I wanted someone to understand me?

Should I stop over here and be alone for eternity?
Or should I continue and keep on being hopeful for so many?
Or am I just going to wait until someone founds me?
Either that I can be a single Pringle as I can see.

Should I be depressed over it?
Or should I be happy over it?
I wanted to know if a fire will lit,
Just for me.

Is it for a greater good,
That way I won't get hurted?
Or is it just because I really hated it?
I don't really know more of it.

Buy soon..

I will find love..


So now my uhh...poem is not that good anymore but you know I am trying my best. But it's true tho I am disgutsted at love sometimes. But anyway see ya.

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