Afterdeath! ♡

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I'm just bored also the story I made was started at the messenger since I wrote this and showed this story (or plot actually) to my friend. But anywho lets just begin.

P. S the spaces are meant that, that was the one that I posted or showed it on messenger to my friend

Geno was breathless he was catching up some breathe since he kept on running for his dearly poor life.
"Hey!" Geno flinch while he was shuddering in fear. He started running again as he was so tired he can't run any longer, until he saw a forest that was close, he then went to that forest, he got deeper and deeper and deeper as he was about to collapsed and after a few minutes of running away from him He suddenly collapsed onto the ground hard.

A black hoodied figure saw the red scarfed skeleton on the ground. Curious he was if he was still alive or not. He then decided to look on his pocketbook that had a brown leathery cover and had a thin soft pages that looked old. He started flipping some pages. He didn't saw his name as he sighed.
"What's this fella doing in the dark forest." The black hoodied skeleton says to himself as he sighed. 'What should I do to this skeleton. If he's staying in here he might get killed by wild animals.' He thought to himself as he only sighed. He used his magic to lift the red scarfed skeleton avoiding to touch him.


Geno suddenly jolted up as he was breathing heavily. He looked around. Confuse from where he was, he suddenly heard a door clicking open he looked at the door and there he saw a black hoodied skeleton. He wears a long cloak that is up to his bony feet, he had a rope onto his neck the rope was supported by the gaster blaster pin or some sort of, there's also a rope onto his waist part.
"W-who are you." The scarfed skeleton says fear in his voice but he tried hiding it.
"I should be the one who's asking it." The black hoodied skeleton says in his husky, deep, dark, voice.

"Ju-just answer the question." The scarfed skeleton stammered as the black hoodied one only sighed.
"Ok. My name is reaper or death." The hoodied skeleton says or Death from what his name is.
"What about you?" Reaper asks as he looked at the scarfed skeleton.
"G-geno. My name's geno." He says as reaper only nods.

Silence fills the room. Reaper was uncomfortable  about the silence.
"Anyway." Reaper started, "Why were you at the forest when I saw you?" Reaper asked as geno flinches at that memory of his. His Ex molesting him forced him, kisses him in a very harsh way that Geno doesn't want, and he also tortured him like he is some kind of punching bag of his. The scarfed skeleton shudders at that memory as silent tears going to his cheekbones. Reaper suddenly felt pity on him. He wanted to comfort him, to hug him. But he can't. He can't do any of those since,he is the god of death. He can't touch living things or else they will die.

The god of death can only do is to watch him cry on his own. Geno then shooked his head trying to remove those terrible times as he wiped his tears away.
"I-I was just running from someone." He says as reaper got curious.
"To whom?" Reaper asked as geno only stays silent.
"To my ex." He says quietly to himself the god of death didn't heard it.
"Pardon?" Reaper says
"It's nothing."

Reaper only nods as he looks at the scarfed skeleton examining him for the first time. The skeleton had a glitches covering his eye socket, he had a red scarf that looked old and torned apart, his other eyesocket looked tired and worn out he looked like he hasn't been able to sleep in such a long time. His clothes were plain white jacket and only a white t-shirt, he had a large slash onto his chest his mouth had a small blood on his mouth. He wears a basketball shorts with 1 white lining on each side. His white slipperes had some splashes of blood. Geno looked at him, confuse.

"Why, are you staring at me like that?" Geno asked as reaper looked at geno onto his eyesocket.

His void like dark eyesockets.
"Uhh..nothing." reaper says as geno only nods akwardly.

Reaper suddenly clears his throat(?) As geno looked at him.
"So where do you live?" Reaper asked as geno stared at the ground. Deep in thought. The god of death looked at the scarfed skeleton.
"H-hey you alright?" Reaper asked as geno came back to reality and looked at him.
"I said where do you live." Reaper asked again to the scarfed skeleton.
"U-uh..I don't..know where I live." The scarfed skeleton said sheepishly.

Reaper then sighs deeply.
"You can stay here if you want to ok." The god of death says as geno only nods.
"Ok. And thanks." Geno said as reaper nods and left his room.

Reaper was walking to papyrus' room. He sighed deeply thinking from how to explain staying Geno in. He was already at the door. He sighed.
"I hope he will say ok." He says to himself as he sighs again. He opened the door making a creaking sound as papyrus signaling that his brother is here.

"H-hey paps." The god of death says to his brother.
"OH HELLO SANS." His brother says in his loud, high pitched voice.
"So umm..paps. can I ask something." Reaper asked sweating a bit.
"OH OF COURSE SANS." Papyrus says as reaper scratches at the back of his skull.
"Can my friend stay in our place for a while?" He says "Since he doesn't have any place to stay." Reaper adds as papyrus thought about it.
"HUH, I NEVER KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A FRIEND SANS." His brother says as he placed his boney hands onto his chin.
"Of course I have one bro."
"OK HE'S ALLOWED TO STAY BUT CAN I MEET YOUR FRIEND SANS?" Papyrus says excited in his tone. Reaper only sighs and nods slowly.
"Ok paps." The god of death says as his brother was very happy.

"I'll just go and say that first to my friend ok bro."
"OK BROTHER." Papyrus says as reaper smiled and closed the door to his brother's room. He sighs.
"I need to tell him that we should be friends."

What do you 'mean we should be friends'?" Reaper got startled as he looked at his right side and saw Geno.
"Oh good your just in time Geno you need to pretend to be my friend ok geno?" Reaper says
"What!? Why?!"
"Because I don't know you yet and I don't want to be friends with you already." The red scarfed skeleton says as reaper only sighs.
"You need to pretend to be my friend so that you can stay in my place for now." Reaper says as geno only ignored him.
"Please." Reaper pleaded as Geno only sighs.
"Fine.." Geno says as reaper was happy to hear him saying it. "But it's just for my place to stay ok?" Geno says as reaper only nodded.

I guess that will be all I wrote. But I will add it more k bye!

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