Chapter 27: Time Together is Better Than Being Apart

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You walk into a wooded area far away from the wedding and your dad. You start to talk to yourself saying that you hate your dad and stepmother and that you are happy Zane intervened just to help you. You feel like your walking in circles seeing the same trees and rocks over again. You get to a clearing in the middle of nowhere and decide anything is better then going back to the hall. You look around, no sign of anyone, you sit in the middle of a clearing and open a small bag you kept with you. You pull out a small spell book you checked out a few days ago at the library. Opening it you find a small note and flippthrough the pages you find writen notes in the book and little papers with notes. You start at the beginning of the book.

Witchcraft and spells for begginer witches and warlocks
                                              Book 1

Chapter 1: Warning!!!

Learning magics is very dangerous, magic can be used for good and for bad. The way people use magic is up to them but I want to warn you that magic has consequences. For all witches and warlocks some magics are forbidden, these include raising the dead. Raising the fallen or dead has consequences and is forbidden by the great witches and warlocks because you alter the time line of life and death which disrupts our world natural life. Imagine if you gave a dead person life again, some people will sound you and to ask and beg you to resurrect there loved ones, other people will fear you and hunt you down to kill you. That is the first rule, the second is don't kill people, this rule is very old and not followed because of this. Killing with magics is shown as both power and weakness to other witches and warlocks including humans. To kill someone with magics is like interrupting the life death balance just like resurrecting the dead. The final rule is that potions that may last forever is forbidden. The forever potions are meant to last, well, forever. Potions of these powers are scarce and dangerous to make they make the victim do what ever the potion was made to do. It is very rare to see a forever potion and forbidden to make and use them. People who are caught using or making these potions are hunted then cent to the council of magics to receive there punishment and some story's are told that some times they take away any magical item or force and erase there memory, then send them out to be an normal person. Just know messing with these rules are dangerous and have severe consequences to anyone and everyone. Be careful.

Chapter 2: Dissapering  spell

Description: I'm going to start you off with a simple spell for small witches or beginners. The dissapering spell is a small, easy, and useful spell. You can only travel short disstances or just dissaper from someones veiw. If you take someone with you then you must hold their hand if you wish to go to a random spot in range then skip all steps and say the words. Here's how you start.

Spell: if you wish to go somewhere random then skip all steps. First think of where you want to go or if you just want to dissaper from someone's site then cross your arms like a vampire and keep your feet apart. Next keep your eyes closed until your done saying the chant. (if you wish to travel with friends witch/warlock or not the just hold their hands and follow steps, make sure they know what to do. If you want to go to a random location near you then skip all steps and chant words one time.) Lastly say these words three times 'ala-fantè-umbèano' then your done it might take a while but you'll get it eventually.

You put the book in front of you and read the notes inside.

Notes say:
Pronounce it 'àlà-fentè-umbreàno'
not 'ala-fantè-umbèano. You also
don't have to cross arms or keep
legs apart. To travel with others
you don't have to have them do
the steps but they do have to
close their eyes in order for it to

You think to yourself 'well this is very helpful' you close the book and try to do the spell. It took you a few trys before you where able to dissaper and reappear tree feet away. You practiced for twenty minutes and where able to basically teleport further and further away. You eventually teleported back to the hall knowing the wedding party would be almost over. While walking up to the hall you barely see a figure through the trees. It's Zane, he's sitting alone by a small pond. You teleport over to him and tap on his shoulder then teleport back again. He turns around and you wave then gesture for him to follow you. He gets up and walks your way then you teleport a little bit further into the woods but still in view. You smile at Zane realizing his confused expression. He jogs twords you and you teleport further back again. Zane now smile and runs after you as you teleport further and further in to the woods. Then you stop, Zane was nowhere to be seen.  You turn in circles confused and worried not knowing what happened, you run to where you saw him last and trip on the way there. You close your eyes as you go flying through the air, then it stops. You open your eyes and see him, you see Zane, he was holding you. You start to blush then push away from him. Ask you pulled away you triped yet again and zane grabs your hand. You blush even more as he pulls you up.

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