Chapter 19: Disgust

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"Welcome, Beyfans! You know 'em! You love them! Introducing hometown favorite BC Sol!" the commenter cried out. "They're up against SunBat United, the new team taking the world by storm! Let's get this party started! I'm your play-by-play announcer Hanami! That's your Hanami to you! Let's start the friendly match tradition before we kick things off! Nothing like a handshake to keep things fair and square!"

"Awww, can't Free be on time for once?" Valt said. He looked around the gym to see if a certain golden-haired blader was there but to no avail.

Rantaro tried to help Valt in his valiant quest, but Ferox was not so keen. Two days ago, after Ferox had woken up beside Free, he had simply told her to leave. She had not spoken with him since, and it thoroughly confused her. Where had the soulful romantic gone?

Somehow, the news that she made it to the A-team and was picked to face SunBat United did not make Ferox worry less. Free's strange behavior consumed her thoughts; she was concerned that something had happened, and she was not there to help him.

Ferox was now beside Valt and Rantaro, and she felt nervous as she waited for Free to show up. That was when Tala Zmaj alerted her by saying, Drain Fafnir sneaks behind us! That luxurious golden dragon who I don't know what to do with.

Well, this is just great, Valtryek said sarcastically. Free is going to scare Valt!

Rantaro, please look behind you! Roktavor said.

A moment later, a husky voice said, "Right behind you."

Valt and Rantaro gasped and rapidly turned around, while Ferox rotated her feet calmly. She felt an ache in her heart as she saw Free. His face was apathetic and unmoved like nothing had taken place between them, yet she felt affection for him and his tired eyes.

Ferox wanted to hug him and tell him that she was there for him, but his cold eyes kept her from making a move. It reminded her of the first time she met him, and Ferox was unsure what to make of the whole situation. However, Ferox liked what was inside of him, and she had no reason not to trust him. If he was having trouble, he would tell her, right?

"Stop sneaking around like a ghost!" Rantaro snapped. He did not hear the warning from his own Beyblade that Drain Fafnir was drawing near.

"Heh, don't tell me you believe in that stuff," Free said.

"Of course not!" Rantaro said, balling his fist. "I'm saying don't trip me up!"

Although Free was being coy, Ferox felt that Rantaro was overreacting. She was about to tell Free that she had looked forward to seeing him again, but the boy said, "Then stay alert, and I'll see you next fall." He then turned around and added, "Get ready."

Justin Timberlake's song "SexyBack" started to play in Ferox's head as she watched Free walk away. Ferox cursed her mind as Rantaro howled in rage at his inability to roast Free.

"He makes my brain hurt. Big-time. My comebacks can't even compete with this guy! He's too good," Rantaro whined, and Valt cocked his head to the side.

"I gave up, too," Ferox admitted. "SexyBack" continued to play in her head, and she sighed.

"Forget about it! Zip up the singers and focus! Are you with me?" Valt said before striding after Free. Rantaro followed, as did Ferox, who pursed her lips.

"We'll own this," Ferox said reassuringly as Rantaro groaned.

"Stand up straight, buddy!" Valt said to Rantaro, who was slouching.

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