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i'm thinking about changing the chapter titles to sumn besides numbers? idk yet. sorry this took so long i'm a busy gal. btw my names juli lol hi. THANKS for 2k btw woah what the-

also go check out my one shots book!

warnings: some swears, andddd tea☕️☕️☕️

your pov

After last night's events, I felt miserable. I didn't know why Dylan would ditch me, he's never done that before. I decided not to text him at all and confront him at school or somewhere else face to face.

I was extremely glad I had a friend like Peter, though. If he wasn't there for me last night, I don't know what I would have done. (i was typing don't and it autocorrected to donkey for some reason and i s c r e a m e d)

Of course I spilled to Cass last night over text about what happened, but she didn't reply. Her phone was probably dead, like usual.

At school this morning, I didn't hesitate to find Dylan. I waited by his locker after gathering my books. I waited and waited but he never came around. The homeroom bell rang and I had to be on my way. I saw Flash walking past me and I figured he would know where Dylan was.


He turned to me, "Ah, y/n, what's going on."

"Do you know where Dylan is?"

"Really? Not even a simple hello?"

I tilted my head and and rolled my eyes.

"Kidding. He stayed home. Sick or something."

"Oh, thanks." And off I went to homeroom, debating on how I would talk to Dylan.

time skip to lunch

When I arrived to the cafeteria, both Peter and Ned were already sitting down and eating.

"Hey y/n," Peter said.


He smiled and continued eating and occasionally sharing a word with Ned. I sat and ate quietly, just thinking. I couldn't get past why Dylan didn't show up last night. Was it something I did? Did he just forget? Did something else come up? But why wouldn't he text me? Or worse was it something he did? What if he-

"Are you okay?" Peter asked quietly, interrupting the many questions flowing through my mind.

"I'm just tired," I replied.

I continued thinking about how I would talk to Dylan later and eventually lunch was over. I noticed Peter following me out.

"Are you sure you're alright y/n?"

"I don't know, Pete. You know what happened last night and I'm upset. And now Dylan isn't here and I can't just text him you know, I have to talk to him. I don't know what to say, and I don't even know what happened."

Peter thought for a second, "Well uh maybe after school we can go get frozen yogurt to get your mind off it?"

Then I thought for a second. Yeah maybe I wanted to be alone, but Peter was right, I needed to get my mind off Dylan for a little bit.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay?" Peter questioned.

"Yeah, we should go, it will be good for me. Also frozen yogurt is tasty," I said.

He chuckled, "I'll meet you at your locker."

I smiled and we went our separate ways to class.

another time skip to after school bc i'm lazy

narrators pov bc there's gonna be a lot of... stuff?

When the final bell of the day rang, Peter sped over to your locker to meet up with you. He figured putting off spider-man duties for one afternoon to help his best friend wouldn't hurt much. You were already at your locker waiting for Peter while putting on your jacket.

"Hey, ready to go?" Peter asked you.

Softly, you nodded and the pair of you headed out the doors of Midtown. There's no denying the fact that Peter wished to reach out and hold your hand, knowing you were in need of comfort. But he wouldn't dare do that.

After walking some distance you two arrived at the local fro-yo shop. Peter opened the door and you walked in. The two of you reached for cups to fill with fro-yo and toppings. Of course you had to get (your favourite flavour). You loved the way the machine swirled out the treat neatly into your cup. Little did you know Peter was eyeing you from the side, admiring the way you slightly smiled at the fro-yo.

You headed to the toppings bar and piled up your favourites and in the end you were satisfied with your creation.

You both paid the cashier, Peter offering to pay but you refusing, he had already done enough to help you. You took a window seat and dove into your treat. Peter seemed to be enjoying his too, as he had a giddy smile placed on his face. Or maybe he was just enjoying your company. Or both.

You and Peter chatted a little while eating the fro-yo. Cass had finally texted you back, saying she had a family thing and that's why she didn't get back to you. You texted her back an 'ok.' While doing so, you failed to notice a confused Dylan walking in to the shop. He called out your name from a few feet away.


At the sound of your name, Peter's expression fell from a smile to a look of what seemed like hurt. You immediately turned around to face Dylan, recognising the sound of his voice, although you still weren't quite sure what to say to him. You decided to just go along and play it cool as possible, don't freak out.


He walked over to where you and Peter sat.

"So what are you up to?" Dylan asked.

With that I lost it, "What am I up to?" I snapped back, "Where were you last night? We had a date, that you planned. And you obviously didn't show up."

Peter constantly looked back and forth between you and Dylan.

"Look I'm sorry. I promise I will make it up to you," Dylan replied.

"But why didn't you show up or even text me? I was hurt. I am hurt."

"Oh, just..a family thing came up. And listen, y/n, I never meant to hurt you. I really didn't, please let me make it up to you?"

You debated in your head for a little while, everyone deserves a second chance, right?


"Okay?" Dylan grabbed your hand. "I promise I'll make it up to you. Anyways, I have to go, I actually came here to pick some fro-yo up for...my mom, and I saw you here. And Peter."

You gave a light smile as he started walking to the register. He nodded at Peter and whispered, "Don't be getting too close you two."

"He's my best friend," you whispered back, but only Peter heard.

"Let's go home Pete." You abruptly grabbed his arm and pulled him out the shop.

A family thing, you thought.

damn i hate the word fro-yo now why did i choose that...smh

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now