e l e v e n

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look another chapter already! i'm really inspired to write rn so hey. also all your comments last chapter made me cackle...y'all smart

warnings: swears, frustration, car accident, anddd sum fluff if you squint🤭

y/f/n- your fathers name
y/l/n- your last name

narrators pov
(wednesday after school btw)

"Y/n slow down, what's wrong?" Peter asked while you literally dragged him by the hand back to your apartment.

You didn't answer, you just wanted to go home and sit at yours and Peter's spot, like you did as kids. And maybe talk because you were quite confused.

When you arrived at your apartment, you continued to drag Peter through the halls, in your room, and to the window leading to the fire escape. You both stopped there, dropping your bags. Peter looked around, admiring your slightly messy room, it looked the same as it always had.

"Do you remember when we used to sit out here and stare out and talk?" You asked.

"Of course. We shared many pinky promises out here..." Peter trailed off, thinking, "...and we uh, well you...kissed me."

You froze, remembering that time on the fire escape in 8th grade after Cass's party. When you just kissed Peter for less than a second. You remember pinky promising not to tell anyone. Especially not Dylan. But what Peter didn't know is you told Cass. Cass was your best friend she wouldn't tell anyone, she probably forgot about it anyways. It was your first kiss though, you had to tell someone. But, you broke your pinky promise, that you initiated, right after Peter left that night.

"Right. Uh let's go sit." You opened your window and climbed out, Peter following. You felt regret. But what you didn't know is Peter did the same thing. He told Ned.

"So what's going on? Why did you drag me here?" Peter chuckled.

"Peter, am I making the wrong decision? Should I give Dylan a second chance? And-and what about Cass? I feel like she's distancing me. And they both use the same excuse, 'a family thing.' What does that mean, just the first excuse to come to mind? What did I do to them?" You rant.

"Y/n, you didn't do anything okay? You're an amazing friend and I'm sure you're an incredible girlfriend. You're so kind and you have a great heart. I assure you, you did nothing wrong. And if they can't see how astonishing you are, they don't deserve you." (anyone else find it so attractive when ppl say your name while talking to you i just- the conversation just feels so much more genuine idk)

You blushed, "Thanks, Pete. That means a lot to me."

"And I'm not saying you shouldn't give Dylan and Cass a second chance, I think you know what to do, just...follow your heart." But in reality Peter didn't want you to give Dylan a second chance, he wanted a second chance with you; although that couldn't happen.

You leaned your head on his shoulder, "Okay, I'll think about it. Thank you so much Peter, I seriously don't know what I would do with out you."

He didn't say anything back, not wanting to say the wrong thing. He was just enjoying this intimate moment with you at your childhood spot.

After some time passed of just simply sitting and staring, Peter spoke.

"I'll always be here for you," he held up his pinky, "I promise."

You visibly gulped. But you still lifted your head from his shoulder and linked your pinkies together.

"I have to go." Peter needed to patrol the city, to fulfill his duties as spider-man. You watched enter back into your room through your window to leave. Once he made it in, you turned around to look into the street at the cars loudly passing by.

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now