e i g h t e e n

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hey everyone i'm back! sorry for the mini hiatus i've been very mentally ill lately and needed time to get myself together, i don't really have any support atm. i'm not fully together again, but hopefully i'll get there, writing does take my mind off things <3
i love that song btw ^

warnings: uwu moments ig, like one swear lol
1717 words

this is like around 4 pm ok on sunday, after the party and this is unedited

Your POV

When I grabbed Peter's hand to walk to the coffee shop, I couldn't help but feel...something. I don't know what it was, comfort maybe? But it was something I never felt before. Something I never felt holding Dylan's hand in the past, or my mom's. I kept thinking about that feeling until we reached the lobby and Peter brought his hand I held back to his side to open the door.

We walked shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk to the coffee shop. Neither of us said where we were going, we just knew. My parents and I frequently went to this shop when I was younger and Peter would come along sometimes. We would always share one of the humongous cheese danishes together. I wondered if he remembered that.

After a minute or two of walking to the coffee shop that was seven minutes away, Peter began to stare at me. He just walked and kept staring at me. Even though he stared, I didn't stare back, I knew it would make him embarrassed if I "caught him." But I knew he was staring, I was not sure why. It wasn't uncomfortable, I was just confused.

I decided to speak up and ask the first thing that popped into my head, "So, what do you dream about at night?"

"W-what?" he stuttered, turning his gaze in my direction to the ground.

"Sorry it's a weird question, I know, just curious what your dreams are like. They are interesting and everyone's are different," I played it off.

What do you dream about? Really? That's the first thing that came out of my mouth? Smooth.

"Well, I don't really know, just whatever happens in my head I guess. I don't remember many dreams," he nervously chuckled.

"Oh. I dream about the past sometimes. Old memories replay in my dreams a lot."

By this time, we reached the coffee shop. Again, Peter opened the door to let me in first, him following behind. I ordered a (fav drink) and Peter ordered a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream. We paid and looked for a table.

Peter's POV

"There's a table over there, in the back corner," I pointed, remembering where she liked to sit in restaurants. I used to go to this cafe with y/n's family every once and awhile. She nodded in agreement.

I walked quickly over to the table to pull the chair out for her. I still felt bad for snapping at her during the party, and she was probably still sensitive about her father, so I wanted to make her feel better.

She tilted her head and smiled, "Thank you, Pete."

"Yeah no problem," I sat down across from her.

"Also, again, thank you for trying to get me home last night. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry."

I sighed, "Y/n, it's okay. It's my fault for practically yelling. I guess I lost control. It's just that I- I care about you so much, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to you."

She looked directly into my eyes, practically tearing up, and said, "Thank you, gosh, I don't know how many times I can thank you. I care about you too, you're one of the best people that has ever walked into my life. We've been through so much together and, by the way, when we stopped talking last year, I missed you so much. More than you could ever know, and when I thought I pushed you away last night, it hurt. I am glad we are talking again and sorting things out."

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now