s e v e n t e e n

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hey y'all sorry for this long awaited part! AND THANK YOU FOR 17K READS WTF

also check out my one shots book! i'm posting a new part on there later tonight, and i take requests

btw the songs^^kinda go w the chapters but also kinda just me recommending music ;)

warnings: angst, hint of fluff, dylan 🤢, crying

words: 1060

Your POV

"By the way, you should probably say something to Peter," Michelle said from the drivers seat of her car while I was in front of my apartment.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Later," and off she went. I thanked Michelle like 100 times for helping me out last night. I'm so lucky she was there, my mom would not have been happy to see me wasted. I wasn't sure what she meant by talking to Peter, I barely remembered what happened last night. Hopefully I didn't do anything stupid.

"Mom? I'm home," I said into a seemingly empty apartment. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge: At hospital visiting your dad. Be home  in a few hours.

Well, I guess I had time to kill before my mom came home. I thought of calling Peter, but still, I wasn't sure about what. So, I decided to call Ned. He would know, I'm sure Peter tells him everything.

'Hello?' He picked up after two rings.

"It's y/n! Listen, I have to talk to you about whatever happened last night. What happened exactly? Michelle said I should probably talk to Peter about something, but i'm lost?"

'Oh, yeah, about that. You and Peter kind of got into an argument last night.'


'You got into an argument. He saw you were drunk and wanted to take you home, but you kept trying to drag him somewhere to play a game or something? Then he snapped at you. Then you wanted to be alone and when he talked to you, you threw a water bottle at him and told Michelle to take you home.'

"Oh. Is he mad? This is all my fault. I-"

'It's not your fault. He isn't mad, he's just upset because he thinks you're mad at him. But really y/n, he was just trying to protect you.'

"Okay, thank you. I got to talk to him. Bye."

I let out a big sigh when Ned hung up. I couldn't lose Peter again. Especially because of something totally stupid and my fault. Ned said it wasn't my fault, but obviously it was. I was about to call Peter, but I suddenly had a feeling that I had to talk to him in person. So off I went.

The walk to Peter's apartment wasn't very far. On your way out, Dylan happened to call me.

"Hey Dyl."

'Hey. So, by the way, I heard you and that Peter kid had a slumber party the other night.'


'What was that about? Like for real?'

"Well, my dad was in a terrible accident and in a coma, so I had to turn to someone who actually wanted to check up on me and see if I was okay. Which happened to be Peter. My mom didn't want me to be alone."

'Are you cheating on me?'

"No! Are you shitting me right now?" I couldn't believe he said that. He barely even makes an effort to hang out with me anymore and he's asking if I'm cheating on him. I didn't know spending time with your friend that's a boy was thought of as cheating.

'Geez. I'm just wondering, you always spend time with him so..'

"Because sometimes it feels like he's the only one who actually cares about my feelings, Dylan."

'Alright, alright. Just forget about it. Bye y/n.'

I scoffed when he hung up. Sometimes I can't believe he could just say some things. At least I was outside Peter's building by now. Who knew if he was even home, but it was a Sunday afternoon, so I just assumed he would be.

While walking up to his door, I let out a big sigh, prepared for everything. I finally knocked and May answered a second later.

"Y/n! Hi, it's so good to see you! How are you and your mom doing?" May asked.

"We're okay, thanks for asking. Is Peter home?"

She sighed, "Yes, and he has strangely been staying in his room all day. He won't even eat anything."

"Well I know exactly why...I think. Can I talk to him?"

"Of course. You know where he is," May said, letting me into their warm apartment. I quickly walked down the hall to Peter's familiar bedroom. The door was cracked open just enough for me to see. He was laying on his bed staring at the bottom of the top bunk playing with some weird and small device.

I didn't bother knocking and just pushed the door open, walking in a little bit. He didn't even look my direction at first.

"Peter." I said softly.

He immediately jumped up at my words, wide eyes.

"Sorry I thought you were May, un-until I heard your voice," he said quietly and just walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I was confused at first, but gave in.

"I'm sorry for last night y/n. I thought you were mad at me. I- I- I thought I would never see you again. I'm so so sorry, y/n," he pleaded.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, "Don't be sorry Peter. It was my fault. I was the drunk one. I was completely out of it and should've let you take me home. I'm sorry."

Peter started to cry. I didn't know why he was, I told him it wasn't his fault. He dropped his head and leaned his forehead on my shoulder and cried a little more.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, Pete. It's over now. I'm here and I'm not leaving. I promise."

He lifted his head with red, watery eyes. I never noticed this, but he had such puppy dog eyes.

"Do you want to go get a coffee and talk some more?"

"Yes," he sniffled. I grabbed his jacket from his bed and he put it on. Then I grabbed his hand and we headed out the door to the local coffee shop.

"It's okay, Pete. We are just reckless kids."

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now