t w e n t y t w o

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hey loves! i'm back, hope you enjoy this part xx
who bought their endgame tix already? i did! i'm excited and also very scared

warnings: mild swearing, mmm YOU FINALLY BEING SMART, and fLUFF

words: 2020, unedited whoops

Your POV

I was happy the week was over, it had been rough at first, but I'm definitely over Dylan. He never deserved me.

Also, I got the news the doctors stopped my dad's medication to bring him out of his coma! I would finally be able to talk to him again, hopefully he would be fully awake and well to come home in a week or less.

The one thing keeping me down was Peter. I missed him like crazy, and for some reason seeing him in chemistry this morning gave me the butterflies. Feelings are so weird. But I think I have to listen to them.

Even though it was a bit chilly out, I needed some fresh air to further think through my feelings. So I put on some comfortable pyjamas and a coat and headed out my window to sit on the fire escape. Sitting in a place I sat with Peter all the time while thinking about my feelings for him, huh.

He is really special. And very special to me. We almost complete each other. When we reconnected, it felt so...right. Without him, something is missing. If I hadn't been so stupid last weekend and just kept talking to him and convinced him to stay...

I don't know what would have happened. I would do anything just to hug him right now. His smile...his laugh...his cute little face. Gosh. Now I can't stop thinking about him, but that's what I came out here to do. I have butterflies thinking about him. I think through out all our history and everything, he is perfect for me and just perfect in general. Peter has done so much for me, I couldn't thank him enough. He has treated me so lovely like no boy ever has and probably ever will, and we never even dated.

My heart and feelings are finally in sync. I like him so much, no, I love him so much. I really do. He was always there for me whenever I needed him. He is my person. I can imagine us having a future together...

I love Peter Benjamin Parker.

"I gotta tell him before it's too late, or if he doesn't hate me already," I scoffed, talking to myself, "It's now or never."

I let out a big sigh, silently planning out how I would ever tell him how I now realised I felt.

3rd Person POV (aka me💁‍♀️)

As you were planning out your reciprocated confession to Peter, Spider-man was on his way to the same fire escape, fully expecting you to be in bed and upset. Hoping to fix their conflict.

Peter webbed all the way to your apartment building, landing on the roof. He was ready to jump down onto the fire escape and tap on your window.

"Shit," he whispered oh so quietly. Peter remembered he couldn't just show up to her bedroom window in his suit. He began to pace back and forth on the edge of the roof debating on what to do.

"I really didn't think this through huh Karen."

"No, Peter. You really didn't."

"I can't change, what do I do?"

"Well you came here to talk to her. You've only been thinking about y/n non stop for the past week. You're smart, you'll think of something."

"Thanks, Karen," Peter replied quietly to his A.I.

He continued to think and pace silently up on the roof. Unknowing you were sitting just two floors down on that very fire escape he was planning on entering your room from.

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now