s i x t e e n

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kind of a long chapter phew! lana's songs make me tear up btw^^

anyone have good fic recommendations? i need sumn to read!!

warnings: underage drinking, protective! peter, you thinking peter is being cute A LOT, swears, flash dylan and cass being lowk stinki :(

y/n/n- your nickname

Your POV

I frantically ran around my bedroom looking for my hairbrush, Michelle was going to be here any minute to pick me up. In all honesty, I was happy to be going to Flash's party, I desperately needed to clear my head. Surprisingly, my mom thought it was a good idea too. We visited my dad in the hospital during my mom's lunch break. She was working over time tonight to keep busy.

After a few minutes of searching, I finally found my hair brush. I brushed through the knots while waiting for Michelle to arrive. Fortunately, Peter texted me that him, Ned, and Michelle were here right as I finished brushing.

I grabbed a coat and ran out my front door, ran down the stairs and into the lobby. The three of them were waiting for me in the lobby. As soon as Michelle saw me she ran over and tightly embraced me. (i love a good hug someone hug me pls)

"I heard what happened, y/n. I hope everything is okay, I hope you're okay," she said.

"Thank you, I think I am okay." She let go of me and smiled.

Ned said, "Yeah, I'm so sorry that happened y/n. I hope your dad will be okay." I smiled thinly at him.

"Hey y/n," Peter chimed in.

"Hey Pete," I laughed.

"So I heard Peter kept you company last night. I bet that was fun," Ned said. Peter shot him a look and wrinkled his eyebrows. His face looked cute like that, and I started to laugh.

"Yeah it was fun, we didn't really do anything besides sleep and eat pancakes," I answered.

"In the same bed?!" Ned screamed.

"No, Ned, no!" Peter retorted. I just laughed again.

"Well that makes this story less interesting. Can we go now losers?" Michelle pleaded.

We walked out the lobby doors, Michelle and I following behind Peter and Ned. Peter looked like he was arguing with Ned or something and Ned put his hands up in defence. Peter seemed so offended by Ned's question, it was cute.

skip to arrival at party, yeehaw

The four of us walked into Flash's big house in the suburbs, immediately attacked by loud music and screaming teens. And it was only 8 o'clock.

Flash walked over to our group. "Hey y/n! What's up I've been waiting for you to show up," he looked at Peter and Ned's direction, "why did you come with these nerds?"

I have him that look, like "seriously" and Flash just laughed.

"Come on lighten up, I kid. Not really," he laughed again.

"I'm going to make some toast, my signature party snack, have fun losers," Michelle said and walked off. (let's get this bread)

"Let's go y/n, Dylan and Cass are in the living room," Flash grabbed my arm and pulled me away. I looked back to see Peter wide-eyed and just shrugged. It's fine though, I was seeing my boyfriend and best friend.

The living room was much louder than the foyer, and much more crowded. Flash looked around for Dylan and Cass.

"Ah, there they are!" He continued pulling me toward them in the corner of the living room, red solo cups in hand.

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now