Writing Prompt #3: Personified Days Of The Week

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The prompt's description:
Describe each day of the week as if it was a person. Each description must be a healthy paragraph (5-7 sentences) and include an example of figurative language

The Days As Humans

The week starts with Monday so he will be the one start things off....in a horrible way. Out of the bunch, Monday is the oldest, he's as old as the dinosaurs, and he's so mean that he puts the Grinch to shame. If you want the best description of this old timer, his face is covered with wrinkles like that of a Shar Pei.  Monday also likes smoking to lower his 'stress' even though he is the one that is making the rest feel stressed. Due to his behavior to the other days of the week, his friend count is so low that it should be in the negatives. The only time that this grumpy old man tried to make a friend out of someone, that of Tuesday, just made his day worse because the man was listening to music on his headphones instead of listening to Monday's stories. Needless to say, he didn't try making a friend after that moment.

The next day in the week is that of Tuesday, no one pays attention to him, and he doesn't pay attention to them. Tuesday is the guy who is trapped in an emo phase. To put it simply, he anything he wears is in black and white, like he's in a 1930's cartoon.The man also wears eyeliner and piercings like any other emo out there. He is constantly wearing a grey hoodie with a part of his pitch black hair blocking his face, and he has a pair of headphones practically glued onto his head and listens to music, shutting himself out from the world around him. Music to him is as smoking to Monday, or so how the emo described it. Same as the old man, Tuesday doesn't have any friends because he is always drowning himself in song lyrics. Whenever someone tries to talk to him he always answer with 'everything you say is a lie to me' in the most monotone voice you can imagine, before he resumes to listening to another song by Linkin Park.

Now we move on to the middle child of the week, Wednesday, or what the days mistakenly call her, Wendy. This girl is the socially awkward one of the bunch, acting like the middle child that no one bothers to be around. Wendy-er I mean-Wednesday, is shy but yet she tries to help anyone. She is also as clumsy as a child who is learning how ice skate for the first time. Her clumsiness showed off the most when she trips and falls over the tiniest of pebbles and the smallest of cracks. Whenever she tries to help out one of the other days of the week, she either makes everything worse by causing a hurricane sized mess, or being to shy to talk and ends up just awkwardly do things silently as she avoids eye contact as much as possible. Needless to say....be careful when you ask this shy and awkward girl for any help.

The day that is the only one who knows what he's doing in Thursday, the bookworm of the bunch. He is usually seen with his nose stuck in a book or in his laptop, and always wear glasses that are as big as his ego. The fact about his ego is no lie, when the other days asks him a question Thursday always answers it by explaining it for so long that it puts the asker into a week long slumber. His intellect comes from the fact that he is a scholar that enjoys the time when it comes to diving into another good book that he can find in his freetime. Thursday also has a bit of a hatred to Wednesday, simply because there was a time where he asked the girl to get him a cup of coffee, which she ended up spilling all over the guy and the book he was reading. The two days of the week that he doesn't mind being around with is Tuesday and Saturday, because they dont mind his readings and his monologuing.

Last day of the weekday, Friday, this hyperactive teenager is a handful. This girl is a bull in a china shop bounces off the walls, and sometimes ceiling, like a true bouncy ball. If music to Tuesday relieves his stress, music to Friday gives her energy and joy. Because of her nature, she is always looking forward to making a new friend and going to rave parties to release all of the pinned up energy she has. For her appearance, she has as many colors as the rainbow in the sky. Out of the many many things in the world, nothing can make this girl sad or tired in the slightest. If she gets tired all she needs is a drink of water before she goes off and starts dancing like a madwoman again.

It then comes up to the weekend, where it starts with Saturday. Many people expect this guy to be the exciting one, instead he is the lazy one. Saturday is the kind of person to stay in bed all day sleeping the hours away and doesn't even bother to change into normal clothing, lazy as a sloth, slow as a snail. He is usually seen with a messy bed head and in his pajamas sleeping in million places other than a normal bed. Saturday is even lazy enough to ask someone to help him grab a drink just an arms reach away. When you want peace and quiet, come to this guy and take a nap with him.

The one to end the weekend and the whole week itself, Sunday. Sunday is a bit of a weird one, weirder than Wendy-I mean-Wednesday for one thing. The thing that should be noted is that...even though they look like a boy, they were born as a girl. Short hair like that of a boy, high pitched voice like that of a girl. Because of this, she wants to be called a he, and wants it to stay like that. Sunday is also known to have split-personality disorder, one is religious and loves going to church, the other is sporty and doesnt mind getting dirty even if they are just watching football. The church 'boy' likes to be around Thursday, meanwhile the sport fan likes to be around Friday. Even if the two personalities are complete opposites, Sunday is still Sunday, the day is still the day.

The illustrations of the days will be in my art book for 2018

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