Writing Prompt #5: Sign Of Warning

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Okay this prompt is a weird one:
If you wore a warning sign, what would it say? Explain thoroughly.

And here are two examples it gave us:
'Don't cross me! Im a Scorpio!'
'Warning! Have not had coffee yet. Proceed with caution' [I can see this one on a shirt, it's that funny]

Warning Signs Inbound

    Have you ever been to a store at a boardwalk where they sold funny shirts or hoodies? You can see some funny things in there, whether it's writing a picture or a mixture of both. It could say something like 'I pooped today' with a picture of a happy stick figure, or something like 'Life Problems' with a picture of a T-rex struggling to grab the toilet paper. Other than the funny images and text, there are moments where you give the people a title whenever you see them, like you give them a sign to hang around their neck. This could either be stereotyping, name calling, or just a simple tag line. But have you ever thought about a warning sign?

    Just imagine a world where people wear warning signs like how people wear t-shirts with that funny text. Not normal warning signs that you see on the street, like that of stop signs, yield signs, or signs with the speed limit on it. Instead of that, people will wear warning signs as if they are warning others about their personalities. One will say 'Don't try and steal my food', another will say 'Warning; Im vegan', and another will say 'Talk to me when I DONT have my headphones on', and so on. Based on the person's mood and or personality, there can be millions upon millions upon millions of different warning signs per person.

    If anything if I were to wear a sign like that it will say 'I'm the artist here, don't mess with me'. The one reason why is that I am an artist, I draw a lot both digitally and traditionally. Along with that, whenever I enter a room I take a look at everything and when something catches my eye, I will start ranting on about what's right and wrong about the piece of working before moving to the next one and start doing it again. Same thing for movies, along with enjoying it, I will be looking out for context clue talking about what could be foreshadowing and if I spot any cameos or easter eggs hidden within. So make me a sign and let it dangle around my neck like a noose because I will wear a sign noting that I'm an artist at anytime.

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