The Broken

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Stupid, dumb, and soft were a couple of the words that Royalty had been called for the past two years for staying in the one sided relationship she had. Royalty counted herself to be lucky because she had a man who was paid. They struggled being poor and homeless together and came up togethe. Who wouldn't want that? Anyone? No one? In this case, it is no one because Royalty was the only one who couldn't see deeper into her relationship because she was too busy trying to help her man. She would go to jail for him, steal for him and even kill for him while he treated her like dirty.


I dropped a full bag of pure uncut cocaine in front of King, making him smile widely showing his bottom row of sparkling gold diamond grill. Having me doing all of his handy worked turned King on more than anything.

"This from Antonio?"
I nodded my head, sitting on his gold marble colored desk. I spun around to face him and placed my feet in his lap. He rubbed my legs and licked his lips, speaking with his seductive deep voice as he looked me up and down.

"You tired baby?" He asked.

I nodded once again. I had just come from teaching my dance class and looking for this crackhead bitch, Tonya with my money. Right before i got a call from King and dropped everything, just to pick up some coke from his Atlanta connect Antonio. Antonio and King had been doing business with each other since King turned 18 years old. There was nothing Antonio wouldn't do for King.

"You can go home now, imma just chill here and manage some shit. Have my workers cut this shit up then i'll be home. I'll be all yours baby and we can do whatever before we fly out" He spoke.

I nodded my head and pecked his lips as i got up. I started to walk out his office until Jana, his worker, walked into the room. King stood up when he saw her walk in and came to me, directing me out. Jana mugged me and i rolled my eyes as I smiled. I turned around and kissed King adding tongue and all. Feeling his hand tightly grab my ass and the other hand pull my hair as he started to kiss down my neck. I pulled away and laughed before wiping my lipstick from his lips.

"Finish this later baby" I said.

I knew me kissing King would fill her ass with anger since she wanted to be the only one on his dick. She wanted my position. The main

I hopped into my 2017 black Cadillac and turned on some Boosie as I drove off down the street. I drove 30 minutes to my trap house, Brittany, and got out. Seeing both, my 2 guards and 4 pits blocking the doors. I unlocked my back doors and pulled the small blue cooler to the edge of the seat before pulling it open. I pulled out 4 raw steaks from it, then threw them to my pits  as they quickly attacked the meat. I nodded my head to my guards and walked into the house.

If you asked me, dogs are more loyal than humans. A human can let someone in but the dogs will bite the shit out of both of them, because that's how they are trained. You can train a dog but not a human. That's why i keep four pit bulls, so they can keep these guards in fucking check.

I walked into living room of the trap house and saw naked bitches packaging, cutting and weighing shit. It smelled extra loud with a hint of smelly pussy. I swear some females don't need to be females. Bitches stayed naked around here so my shit will never go home with them. Putting cocaine in ya ass or vagina is your problem if you start tweaking or catch an infection.

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