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"Mmmm baby" i moaned as i came and Ja'Tav came with me

He laid on his back and i laid right on his chest.

"All this scratching shit gotta stop if you going to keep making me bleed babe" he said

"I'm sorry baby it just be so good to me i gotta do something or imma spazz out" i said

We both laughed and he kissed my forehead.

"How you get hold to his money?" Ja'Tav asked

"I know all King's codes, i know his social and everything. King told me to much" i said

"Damn baby. Remind me to never fuck with you " he said

I laughed and kissed him and got on top of him. I kissed his lips then went down to his neck.

"Baby what you doing? We already did 6 rounds" he said

"I just need a few more" i told him

I lifted up and positioned him and he grabbed my waist and slammed me right down on his dick. LET IT BEGAN!

~Passion ~

I picked up Kj and carried him to the car. Once he was strapped into his seat, i ran back into the house and grabbed the suitcase full of King's money. I put the suitcase in the back seat beside Kj and i got in the driver side. I put the key in the ignition and sat their thinking about what i was gone do and if this was right. I turned around and looked at Kj as he smiled at me.

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