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2 days after the fun i made my way back to Jamaica because truly i missed my mama.

"Mom i'm home!" I yelled out. I smelled something hella good so i went into the kitchen and saw all this good food on the table.

I licked my lips as i saw baked chicken, fried chicken, greens, fried cabbage, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, corn, cornbread, strawberry cake and i saw mama pulling some peach cobbler out the oven. Hell yes!!!!! I was gone smash tonight, tomorrow and 2 days later.

"Hey baby what you doing home so late, i thought you were doing the dance team?" She asked

"I Took the kids out to have some fun." i replied. "What all this cooking for?"

"We having a little dinner, go get ready" She said

I nodded my head and ran upstairs to get ready for Dinner.

I came downstairs in a red little dress with spaghetti straps and some black sandals and saw the table set. My momma was putting all the food on the table and setting out plates. It smelled so good in here. I heard the doorbell ring and I instantly went to answer and quickly shut the door and stared at my momma.

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