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One i got back to Atlanta, i came home and cried, I felt like i couldn't breathe, I seriously felt like someone had grabbed my heart and twisted it till it looked like a wrung out towel.

I didn't go to work, my hair looked a mess, my eyes were red, and my voice was gone from the screaming of pain in my heart.

Once i got here i had threw all of King's clothes out on the yard and changed all the codes and locks in the house. Knowing I wasted my time doing that, this was a glass house, he could easily get in this bitch but he never tried.
Today was Sunday so i was flying out to see my mom. Sooner or later King was going to come to this house and want to smooth talk me then fuck me till i forgive him like he always does. But this time i was done.

I packed all of my clothes out the house and packed all the money i had saved up. I grabbed all my things from when i had bought my son some stuff before i had my miscarriage and abortion. I put my suitcases in my car and dropped the house key on the porch and got in my car and drove off.

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