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I got home and took a shower and got dressed in a pair of ripped blue jeans, black uggs, and a black turtleneck. I did light make up and grabbed my phone and the papers as i heard a car horn. I walked outside and saw Ja'Tav all smiley. I mugged him hard and the smile dropped.

"whats wrong?" He asked

"Nothing, let's go" i replied

He opened the door and i got in the car and he got in and drove off. We pulled up at Olive Garden and we were quickly seated.

"Hello Welcome to Olive Garden my name is Jayla and i will be your waitress today. What can i get you guys to drink?" The waitress asked

"Mango tea" i replied

"a water" Ja'Tav said with a smile.

She nodded her head and walked off saying she would be right back. I averted my eyes to Ja'Tav.

"What i do?" He asked

I handed him the papers and he read over them then looked at me.
"Your serious? I did this? I gave you this? I caused your sickness?" He asked

I nodded my head.

"It was all you" i said

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