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I looked in the mirror as i noticed the red ring around my neck from King's stupid ass. I swear when i get to him his ass is mine!

"Stop looking at it" Ja'Tav told me
It was fuckin hard not to! It's all big and red and shit. My delicate ass skin was fuckin ruined because of this bitch ass nigga.

"I can't" i replied

"You can babe" he said

King is going to get what's coming to him. I thought to myself. Just thinking of payback made me smile.

"Game time bitch" i said lowly


"We're sorry sir but this card was declined as well" the lady told me

"Yall got a mistake. My cards never decline. Check again" i told her

"I'm sorry" she said while handing me back my black card.

I left out the store and went outside the mall and called my cards.

"The card balance is Zero dollars and thirty four cents" the woman said

"What the fuck!?" I yelled

Passion had to be spending money like fuckin crazy if a black card, A BLACK CARD!, only had 34 fuckin cents on it. This bitch was running up a big ass check.

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