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I walked into the hotel room seeing King laying in the bed. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"What?" I asked

"I wanna take you out tonight, so be ready at 8" he said then walked out the hotel room.

I smiled hard. I looked at the clock as it read 6 then I made my way to the bathroom, got in the shower, got out and lotioned my body then got dressed.

I walked out and saw King wearing a white button down shirt, white shoes and white slacks with his gold watch and gold chain on. I wore a white strapless diamond covered corset dress that had a long slit that stopped at my thigh.

"You ready baby?" he asked

"Yes papi"

We walked out the hotel and get into his black bentley and he drove off down the street.

I nodded my head and sat back in my seat. We pulled up to this restaurant that had tables outside with lights around. What made it so beautiful, was the glass windows and glass doors that perfectly reflected the moon and the water that surrounded the place.
King got out then came to my side and opened my door as i stepped out. He grabbed my hand and we walked in.
He gave a nod to the lady at the front and we kept walking till we were outside by the water. It was a nice table for two set up.

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