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Max's P.O.V

I kick the dry soil as the sun falls under the horizon. I look up from my red converse staring towards the glowing orb longingly, wishing, wishing to be away from this place.

The sky blends into a mixer of pinks, yellows and oranges, a display that would send people into a calming mood. But it doesn't have that affect on me, I find the array of different variations of deep blues that are scattered with thousands of shining specks of light calming. when are they going to get here?! I thought getting irritated I knew they didn't care but I didn't expect this much, I guess should have.. I feel my eyes tear up as I continue to stare at the almost dark sky.

"Hey Max! Your parents still aren't here yet?" The overly cheery red head says sneaking up behind me. I quickly wipe away the tears hanging in my eyes "no.." I say simply.

"Has Gwen left yet?" I ask, "yes she says she's appealing for college again, going to major in teaching this time around."

"Good for her, is she going to be your co counselor again next year?" I asked, "she says she'll try to be here next summer but to not count on it" the older male answered. I nod.

The cheery counselor stands beside me, I look up at him giving a questionnaire look "I'm going to wait with you until your parents arrive Max" he says in a happy tone, I groan in response knowing I wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise.


It had been two hours since David decided to join me, and I can tell he's starting to lose hope in my parents showing up even if he doesn't want to show it. I know these types of things.

The sky had been fully cast with shades of dark blue by now, looking above I admired the scene now scattered with dots of gleeming light. I look over at the ginger male seeing a covered up worried expression.

"David-" I hear an engine blair in the distance as it soon skids to a stop near us, I cover my ears feeling a pit appear in my stomach, their here I thought. We both turn to see a burgundy toyota with the head lights on "Look Max! Your parents are finally here!" The older male said regaining his enthusiasm,he starts walking over to them, "David! No! Wait!" I yelled to him "hm? Max what is it?" I hear the doors of the car open then slammed close, I take a step back, "you must be Max's parents! I'm David I am the head counselor at Camp Campbell." the red head said introducing himself, putting his hand out to shake. "Yes well if we must, I'm Francine Morgans and this is my husband James." she said, reluctantly shaking David's hand "it's nice to finally meet you both!"

I stuff my hands in my pocket, feeling awkward. "Well we should get going." my father said tiredly, "Max! Grab your things and get in this car." he continued demandingly.

"Yes dad.." I reply weakly. I grab my duffle bag from beside me and slowly walk over to my parents' car, my muscles being stiff from standing. "Max!! Faster!!" I ignore them. I'm too exhausted to move any faster, David had us do one final set of activities before any of us went home and they were pretty brutal. In my opinion anyway. "Sonova bitch..!" She whispered under her breath, marching over to me. My blood runs cold shit!. I stop my steps as she picked up her speed, what was the point she'll reach me anyway I thought.

Once she was near me she stopped dead in her tracks, kicking dirt as she did so, I look up at her seeing fury written all over her face.

The next thing I knew, I was slapped across the face. I hit the ground with a thud, feeling my left cheek burn. I grabbed my cheek in pain as hot tears fall from my eyes. I look up seeing her, my mother the one that is suppose to raise me, protect me, face plastered with a smirk. "Now, come on you lil shit!" She said grabbing my arm with force, I hiss feeling a surge of pain where her hand gripped. My mother threw me inside the car, "now! You better behave, or you'll get something hell of a lot worst than a slap across the face you piece of shit!" She screamed at me, slamming the door shut.

I look through the back window seeing David stand still, in utter shock and disbelief. My father grabbed my bag throwing it into the trunk, he gave the ginger male a brief look. His signature one, it's short but scary. He's given me that look definitely more than once. I hear the passenger seat door open and close, it was my mom, I sat properly in my sit. I didn't want to get hurt again. Not right now. Staring out the window I look up at the sky, trying to just focus on how the sky bends, and blends. How the different shades mixed. Trying to calm my nerves with the sky, like I always did.

My mom opened her window, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. She blew the smoke out the open window, but I could still smell it. I opened up my own, getting a clearer view of the sky. I began hearing someone's heavy footsteps come up the driver's side of the car, my father, but I also heard quiet ones. Was those David's? Probably just walking back to his cabin, so he can leave I thought. I saw some of my father's silhouette in the driver's window probably going to yell at me when I get home, that or kick my ass, I look back out the window I wish they didn't come at all and just left me here or got someone else to pick me up

"Wait!" I heard the ginger male say David what are you doing?! are you crazy?!

"What do you want?" My father said roughly.

"I can't let you take Max!"

"And why's that?"

"Cause it's against the law to abuse a child." he said sternly. He's never been this serious before, or that harsh. I look over at my father, he gave my mother a look then smirked. He walked around the vehicle, pass David, to the trunk. He closed it harshly, handing the duffle bag to David. "He's your problem now." My father said slyly, he went around to my side of the car opening the door. "Get out. You're under new ruling." He said, giving me a mischievous glance. I gaze at my mom, she looked straight forward not giving me a second of her time, then got out of the seat and going to where David was.

My father closes the door, and takes his seat in the driver's side. Then left. No fake goodbyes, no false caring. Just instantly accepting that I'm not their kid, that they don't have to take care of me anymore. They're free. Free from the burden, the burden that is me.

"Let's get going Max." I nod, my throat hurting too much to speak. Hurting from holding down sobs I can't break down, not in front of anyone. Much less David, we walk to his rusty pick up truck. He tosses my bag into the back with his luggage. He opens the passenger for me, I hop into the seat not bothering putting my seat belt on.

Closing the door behind me, he goes around the front to the driver's side hopping in himself. I stare out the window, once more, and up at the stars as David turns on the car, starting to drive down the road. David, not once, had told me to put on my seat belt but he was wearing one either. he must still be in shock.

I started to feel sleepy, as my eyes felt heavy. I look over at David, he looked exhausted himself.

I wanted to tell him to wake me up when we get there, but I couldn't. When I went to tell him my eyes felt even heavier, as if they had weights on them, my vision become smaller and smaller as my eyes drooped more. Until, my vision was fully consumed in darkness, I was fully unconscious.


Here's the first chapter, I still haven't come up with a good title for this book, it's not the best. but I wanted to get this one out of the way, and I've also been really stressed lately because I have to write something for my English class. And if a writing is making me stressed I can't come up with any ideas for that writing in particular, so I've been either forcing myself to write that story or writing anything else besides that. Which isn't good for a collection of reason, but mostly because it's due by the end of this month, I think so anyways, so forcing myself write has been happening a lot lately. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this first chapter, the second will come after I finish my English writing so all my writing is on hold for a bit, so ladies, gents, and people all over the gender spectrum until my next writing this is goodbye.

Edit(/03/13/21): yeah so I'm bored right now and so I decided to edit this a bit, fix the formatting mostly. I don't know how anyone read it with there being barely any line breaks.

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