Westley has always known Claire. She's always been a constant in his life, whether it be as his babysitter, his secret Santa, as his pretend-girlfriend, his confident, as the person he could always rely on.
But she's also always been the girl he lov...
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I'm twenty-one and I'm heartbroken. Quinn cheated on me. Claire learns about it. I have no idea how, but she just turns up at my door with a bottle of Tequila.
We put horror movies on and we play ridiculous nonsensical drinking games.
I tell Claire all the reason why I loved Quinn, and all the reasons why I hate her. It's strange how some of the quirks someone had, that you thought you love suddenly sound insufferable and annoying and how much you actually hate them once you're not with the person anymore.
"You'll get through it. This is your first real heart break. Quinn was your first love," Claire tells me.
I scoff, staring at the ceiling. "She wasn't," I mumbled, but I don't think Claire hears me.
I don't think Claire wants me to tell her Quinn couldn't be my first love because she was. I thought I loved Quinn and in a way, of course I had, but Quinn never understood me the way Claire did. It wasn't all Quinn's fault though, Claire had a lot more years to put the ground work in. Quinn was years behind Claire.
But even if Quinn had known me as long as Claire had, I would still hate her nasal laugh. I would still resent the way she thought about our future more than our present. I would still hate the way it always felt like she thought she was superior to me.
After a whole Tequila bottle and many left over beers, we end up on my bed.
We're both fully clothed and there's just Claire's hand pressed against my chest, but the alcohol makes my thoughts hazy. I want to have sex with her but I don't want her to just become some rebound. Claire is and will always be more than just some cheap rebound. Either way, I don't think I have any chance with her. She's not sleeping in bed with me because she wants me, she's sleeping in bed with me because she knows nothing will ever happen between us. I'm not a plausible sex partner.
I fall asleep with my hand over hers, thinking about the fact that even when she makes wheezing sounds because something is too funny, I always love Claire's laugh.