Westley has always known Claire. She's always been a constant in his life, whether it be as his babysitter, his secret Santa, as his pretend-girlfriend, his confident, as the person he could always rely on.
But she's also always been the girl he lov...
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I'm forty two and Reggie is in town so we meet up for lunch. We've stayed in touch over the years, but we haven't been face to face for at least two years. I'm looking forward to seeing my friend. Of course, I have friends at work, but my friendship with them will never compare to the one I have with Reggie. He was my first friend. It was the first time I believe I wasn't just the annoying kid no one wanted to spent time with. It's so strange to think back to those years, when I had so little self confidence and really no idea who I was.
We meet at a very fancy restaurant in the city. Reggie started a textile business. I don't know all the ins and outs of business, but I know that he has his own private jet now so I guess he's pretty successful.
Normally he would have come over our house for dinner, he's still hasn't visited it since we bought it, but he's just passing through town quickly.
We catch up. I tell him all about the twins' latest antic and that amuses him greatly. He tells me about how well his company is doing and about his latest conquest. Reggie has never gotten married. He's dated and some of his girlfriends have lasted for a while, but he's never found one that made him want to pop the question. I don't push him on the subject. As long as he's happy, there no problem with him still being a bachelor.
"If the guys could see us now" he says laughing, slapping me on the back. "You got your Claire and your kids and I got more money than I can spend."
I laugh with him too. I doubt either of us could have predicted this future that day when I sat beside him while he cried in the locker room.
Too quickly, our lunch comes to an end.
Reggie says that we should do this more often. I agree, but I'm also not getting my hopes up. I know how life works, and how thrown promises of future plans can easily unravel. I don't take it personally. Life keeps us all busy.
Seeing Reggie again allows me to look back at the kid that I was and at the man that I am and I'm proud of who I've become.