Westley has always known Claire. She's always been a constant in his life, whether it be as his babysitter, his secret Santa, as his pretend-girlfriend, his confident, as the person he could always rely on.
But she's also always been the girl he lov...
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I'm twenty five and I have to break a woman's heart.
I've been dating Aubree for five months and she's talking baby and I'm just not there yet. I don't know if I'll ever be. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment with her. I don't even know if we're going to last. Well, obviously, we aren't because I have to break up with her.
I feel like such asshole breaking up with her. Aubree is nice. She's kind and there's a softness to her that makes her very comforting, but that's the thing. I'm just comfortable with her. There's no fire. I like her, but I don't love her.
I know how love should feel like, I had a glimpse with Quinn. I always feel it with Claire.
But Claire is never going to be mine. She and Scott just got engaged. I'm happy for them. I really am. I want Claire to be happy and Scott makes her happy.
So, I go over to Aubree's house one night and end it with her. She cries, but she tells me that somehow she always kind of felt this coming. I feel even worse.
She tells me that my heart has never really been in it.
She's right, I know.
I think I just don't know how to love someone if it's not Claire.