Westley has always known Claire. She's always been a constant in his life, whether it be as his babysitter, his secret Santa, as his pretend-girlfriend, his confident, as the person he could always rely on.
But she's also always been the girl he lov...
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Oof. Here it is. The end of Westley's story. I have to admit, I've struggle a lot with ending it here. At first, Westley was supposed to die at 68. I had written the whole story and the big THE END was at the 68th mark. But then I got a couple of ideas for more chapters and decided to stretch it out a bit longer when I was seeing the ending looming closer and closer. I'm still not sure if this was alright, if I stretched it out too much because I loved Westley or if it was the right decision. I love Westley very much and his death was not easy to write.
I wanted to thank each and every one of you who've taken the time to read this story, to comment on it, to vote for it, to love it as much as I love it. It really means the world. Your words of encouragement, your passion for the story have been inspiring.
For the last two months, uploading a new chapter has been the first thing I did in the morning. It'll feel strange not to do it anymore.
With that line of thought, some of you might have seen me mention that I was planning on doing a spin-off story of The Claire Years. I've been writing it for the last month actually and it's called The Holt Conundrum. It's in Eliah's POV but instead of being one chapter per year, it'll be one chapter per month. So, very similar format, just a very different voice. I am also thinking about writing A Lifetime of Westley which will be the Claire's POV version of the story, but instead of years it'll be snippets of life. That'll be another project of mine. :)
But for now, we'll start with The Holt Conundrum. Yes, you read this right. Tomorrow morning you won't have to wake up to no new chapter. I'll start uploading Eliah's story right away. It won't be TCY but you'll still be able to see West now and then.
So, I hope you guys will give Eliah as much love as you did his father. :D I know I've adored writing Eliah's story. And oh, bonus, his chapters are usually longer than these ones were. Eliah talks a lot.
Thank you so much again for your support! I love each and every single one of you. <3