twenty eight

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elliot peered up the stairs jealousy. it was bad. he knows it. finn wolfhard being gay. impossible. still tyler dreamed of him laying next to the raven haired boy instead of his best friend.

he gripped the cup of tea natalia made for him tightly in his hands. james chattered loudly to him but he didn't pay much attention.

james didn't really know what he was blabbering about, but he enjoyed being this close to elliot. Something about that quiet boy made james nearly go crazy.

james placed his hand next to elliot's  so that their hands were barley touching. elliot didn't notice and didn't bother moving his hand. james took this as a good sign and grinned brightly.

emma knew james had the biggest crush on elliot and smiled cheekily when she saw them sitting close together.

y/n stomped down the stairs. finn following closely behind. emma noticed that Finn was always close to y/n. he never really left her alone. y/n didn't seem to mind. emma huffed. she missed her best friend yet y/n seemed fine without emma and james. or maybe that was just emma's mind over thinking like usual.

y/n yawned and plopped herself next to quincy. "oh fuck off" quincy groaned covering his face with a pillow. "wake up dumbass" y/n shook him. finn smiled and watched the show in front of him. "here's the deal you bitch bring me a water and i'll consider waking up" quincy peeked his eyes out from behind the pillow.

y/n sighed dramatically but got up anyways to fetch a water. finn once again followed her, nearly bumping into her he was so close. "here's your water barf bag" y/n tossed the water. quincy missed since he was laughing so hard.

"bArF bAg" he cackled loudly. y/n flipped him off and stomped away. finn yawned and checked his phone.

ivy had much to much energy. she was basically bouncing off the walls. "hey hey! hey! let's play some games! i'm bored! guys!" she shouted repeatedly. "shut the fuck up!" elliot threw a pillow at her. normally ivy would beat his ass but she was having such a fine morning she let this one slide.

james laughed and moved closer to elliot. elliot watched as finn grabbed y/n's hand. he played with her fingers softly. y/n smiled and ran her free hand through his messy curls. elliot felt his jaw clench. he swallowed hard and tried to look away.

finn was feeling a little bold. he wrapped his lanky arms around y/n's waist. y/n laughed. her heart suddenly fluttered and she grinned.

quincy being quincy took pictures secretly. oh how he loved to gossip about the teens with nick.

"alright bitches ivy's gonna have a stroke if we dont's pick something to do soon" emma shouted gathering everyone's attention. "i say we all vote on somewhere to go" emma looked around. nick came down the stairs finally with wet hair dripping down his back. he quickly sat next to quincy.

"i say we go to the grove" james chirped. "oh i'd love to go there!" natalia agreed.

"nah I say amoeba" finn added. "i second that" y/n and finn high-fived.

"fuck no!" quincy groaned. "we always go to the record store" nick sighed. y/n and finn's grins quickly morphed into a frown. "fuck" y/n muttered.

"i say the grove too" natalia forced Moose to say. "any other suggestions right now it's looking like were off to the grove." emma announced. "how about the huntington shopping center" y/n tried again. "nah let's just crash at the grove" quincy voted. "yeah I say the grove" nick nodded.

"plus calpurnia is playing at Huntington anyways" ivy added. "well fuck me with a chainsaw" y/n sighed.

"the grove it is!"


the taste of love in your mouth

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