forty three

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"can you eat any faster holy fuck" ayla stared at quincy in d i s g u s t. i on the other hand was impressed. like quincy looked godly, he looked like a blonde horse who's face hair was actually tomato color, and this horse hasn't eaten for like a week so it literally isn't even chewing anymore just swallowing. that, that is just about as good as i could describe this bitch.

and with a mouth full of unchewed food. quincy looked up at the mother fucking waiter and said "more bread sticks please" and than swallowed the BIGGEST most LOUDEST gulp i have ever heard in my whole ass life. it was truly beautiful.

i think the whole restaurant heard quincy gulp, no clickbait.


after dinner finn and i got interrogated. it went like this


finn, totally calm and cool: three days

quincy: and w h y did you not enlighten us with this tea?

finn: bEcAUse we jUst stArTed dAtiNg???

nick: who kissed who first

finn: uH y/n kissed me, why does this matter?3!!3

quincy: hell yeah! 20 bucks nick

me: wtf you betted on us

nick hands quincy money

quincy high fives me: hell yeah we did

finn face palms

and that was about it, after that we went home.

i pLOPPED down on my comfortable ass bed and yawned. finn walked and threw his shoes off.

"use protection kiddos" quincy winked and threw tampons in the room. "what i-"

"no! no nasty stuff if my holy server!" nick shook his head and walked away.

malcolm and jack just passed out on the couch.

ayla texted me saying to tell her everything later.

finn yawned and laid down next to me. "sleepy time angel" i pushed him off the bed. "mcuse me sir you just had a concert and didn't shower" i plugged my nose in disgust. "heeey! i'm sleepy meanie" he pushed me back.

"fine fine i'll shower just for you!" he got his stuff ready. "stop you're being too cute" i smiled and got up to brush my teeth before he showered.

after i brushed my teeth i changed to comfy clothes and than plopped myself right back into bed.

i was slowly falling asleep when finn came back with soggy curls and a froggy smile.

"scoot over baby" he whispered and gently moved me. "nO yOu" i whispered back. "go back to sleep nerd" he smiled and laid down.  "yeAh yEaH yEah" i replied before resting my head on his chest. we both quickly fell asleep, well at least i did i was out like a log, wait no a light.

cause baby you so uwu

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