forty two

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"spill the tea fuckers" quincy cornered us as soon as finn jumped off stage from the concert. and may i say THAT WAS A FUCKING AMAZING ASS SHOW.

i swear ayla's geetair was genuinely smoking after she finished playing like no lie my guy. malcolm's hair was also full of static because of that mother fucking electricity going through his amazing drum playing skillz. jack busted out his flying hops. if you haven't seen calpurnia yet i'm sorry for you.

anyways the t e a.

"yeah SPILL" ayla stared at us suspiciously. "i don't know what you're talking about" finn said nonchalantly while eating a powdered donut. i nodded. nick joined in to make kissy sounds. "i just smeared lipstick all over his face because i thought it would be funny." i shrugged and stole the rest of finn's donut. he glared at me but than blew a quick kiss. way to hide it finnlard.

ayla continued to glare at us, trying to stare the chisma out of us. "i'm pretty sure we saw you guys kissing but like i duNno mAYbe i bLinKed wroNg" nick looked genuinely confused. "what the fuck, how do you blink wrong" jack asked as he and malcom now joined the huddle.

i tried to act normal and k o o l. finn was actually really good at being not suspicious even though quincy literally saw us kiss. well he is an actor so makes sense.

"sO what are we doing?" malcolm's soft voice broke the silence. "integrating y/n and finn because they're definitely dating" ayla replied. "yup they kissed and everything" quincy replied. "yet you have no proof" finn said seeming unfazed. not going to lie but this was REALLY kool i felt like i was in a movie. except i kinda wish i was the one asking questions.

"leave them be, it's not our business" malcolm said respectfully and chose to leave the huddle to get more donuts. jack followed not finding our tea too interesting. nick also seemed to be bored of it already and left with them.

though ayla and quincy were persistent and stayed staring closely. finn walked away with nick leaving me to get stared down. "uHh i- i'm just gonna go nOw" i said quickly before trailing after nick and finn.

we were off to dinner! and a bitch couldn't wait to eat some mf food.

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