Chapter 4

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       The 6 kids from the present walked towards the kitchen confused. No one knew what had just happened but eagerly went to tell the parents of their discovery. When they reached the entrance, Hermione stepped forward to speak to the adults but stopped in her tracks when she saw two unfamiliar faces laughing with the adults.

       "Uh... Molly?" Hermione asked making their presence noticeable.

       "Oh, Hermione dear! What are you doing awake at this hour!" Molly responded. 

       "Well, we woke up from a rather loud sound from downstairs and found a bunch of children in the guest room. They locked the door before we could do anything and asked for you lot to come in and bring a mirror? Whatever that means," she said.

       "Oh, the mirror! Why didn't I think of that!" said the man with blue hair as he raced out of the room to the guest room.

       All the adults and the present kids followed Victoire to the guest room to see Teddy holding a shard of a mirror surrounded by the kids.

       "Hey, that looks like the one you gave me Sirius!" Harry exclaimed.

       "It does... Teddy where did you find that?" Sirius asked.

       "It's kind of a long story," Teddy responded. Before he could continue, a buzzing noise came from the mirror followed by a booming voice.

       "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" boomed a female voice from the mirror. Potter? Was this kid related to him? Harry suddenly became even more intrigued than he already was and the rest of the people form the present turned to look for his reaction followed by a look at Sirius who the kid has supposedly named after.

       "I'm sorry mom I didn't think we would go very far back in time!" said James.

       "You better have a pretty good explanation for this son," another male voice said from the mirror.

       Harry could recognize his voice anywhere. That answered his question. This boy was related to him, even more surprising, his son.

       "Hey, thanks for naming you son after me Harry!" Sirius exclaimed padding present Harry on his back.

       "Was.... was that Sirius?" the Harry from the mirror asked.

       "The one and only," he replied.

       "I'm... I'm gonna need a minute...." said future Harry followed by the sound of footsteps leaving the room.

       "James, explain yourself," the female voice returned.

       "Well, you know we learned about the Second Wizarding War in our 5th year and dad was a big part of that! They told us about his first three years at Hogwarts! How do expect me to go home and pretend I didn't just learn you could travel back in time!"

       This brought the room to silence and confirmed Hermione's suspicions that the kids were from the future. She immediately mouthed this to the rest of her friends whose eyes widened and clarity came into view.

       "I understand but do you know how dangerous this is? You could have injured yourself! Are the kids with you? Are you all alright? When did you land? I assume sometime before 1995?" said the female voice knowing Sirius's fate would come later that year.

       "Yes I'm with everyone and we are in 1995. At the end of July, I believe in, Grimmauld Place. And for the record you and dad did a lot more dangerous stuff when you were at Hogwarts!" James responded.

       "Yeah didn't you almost die in the Chamber of Secrets like in your first year?" said another boy behind James who had a striking resemblance to him.

       "Yes, Albus you know things were different when I went to school! You kids stay safe I need to find your father and contact everyone else. Hermione probably has another time-turner in her office at the Ministry. Goodbye for now and stay safe."

       The buzzing stopped and the mirror dimmed. The room stayed silent. Everyone began to place things together. Once they figured it out, Harry and Ginny quickly moved to opposite sides of the room, with their cheeks bright red.

       "Harry you knocked up my sister!" Ron said as he pieced things together.

       "Not once might I add, for I am not the only next-generation Potter in this room," James said.

       Ron became even angrier, "Who else of you lot is a Potter." Albus stepped forward first, " You knocked up my sister twice?"

       "You would be wrong again Uncle Ron," said Lily as she stepped next to her brothers.


       With that, Harry raced out of the room followed by Ron.

       "Wait Ron no!" Ginny yelled running after her brother.

       " So... now we know who the Potters are... uh, Teddy? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Sirius said breaking the silence.

       "Yeah sure..." Teddy responded, "Guys, stay put we don't want any more secrets being spilled," he said glaring at the next generation of kids.

       Teddy followed Sirius into the hall careful to avoid Harry, Ron, and Ginny who were probably having a very awkward conversation.

       "I...I don't make it to 2020... do I," Sirius stated bluntly.

       Teddy was taken back at what Sirius had just said, "I am.. afraid not Sirius."

       Sirius nodded his head trying to process everything that was happening. He knew that he wouldn't make it the second future Harry freaked out from hearing his voice but confirming his suspicions just made it feel more real.       

       " How much time? How much time do I have left?"

       "Until the end of this upcoming school year."

       "Wow... okay I'm not gonna lie that was sooner than I expected... Did I die doing something good? You know.. heroic?"

       "I would think so since you saved Harry's life."

       "Yeah... that does sound heroic."

       "Can I ask you a question?"

       "Yeah of course. What is it?"

       Teddy stood quiet for a moment trying to figure out how to phrase this next question even though he knew he would give it away, "Are Tonks and Remus good people? Like they could of... raised a child together?"

       "Yes there some of the best people I know— oh... they are your parents aren't they."

       "Yeah... they uh... they died when I was only a few weeks old."

       Sirius was trying to process the fact that Remus married off and had a kid and that he died before he could get a chance to know him, "If I were you, he would be the only exception to this whole, don't break the timeline nonsense you kids keep going on about. Tell him who you are. Let him get to know his son."

       "Thanks, Sirius. That really means a lot to me."

       "No problem mate," Sirius said patting Teddy on the back, "Let's get back to the kids."

       Teddy nodded and followed Sirius back into the guest room.

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