Chapter 8

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       Harry made his way back downstairs to join the future kids along with his family from the present. They were all gathered around the breakfast table eating the scrambled eggs and bacon Molly had made for them that morning.

       "We should be going back home in 12 hours," Teddy informed everyone. There was a murmur of sighs from all the future kids. They enjoyed being in the company of their past family, especially the ones they had heard so much about but unfortunately never got the chance to meet. "Remus and Tonks," Teddy continued, " would you mind stepping outside with me after breakfast? I'd like to speak to you guys."

      "No problem Teddy," Remus said with a smile before continuing to eat his meal. Teddy looked towards his mother who just smiled and nodded at him.

       Everyone continued to eat their breakfast when Albus nudged Scorpius on the shoulder. "We need to talk after breakfast," Albus said.

       "Yeah.... sure," Scorpius replied. A million things were going through his mind and he didn't know if any of them were right. As he continued to think about what Albus could want to talk to him about, he looked up to see Teddy, Remus, and Tonks were exiting the room leaving Albus and Scorpius alone seeing all the other kids went back to play in the guest bedroom.

       "So, what did want to talk to me about?"

       Albus paused for a moment. You could see his face changing expressions as he formulated what he wanted to say in his brain. "So... you kissed my cousin," he stated.

       "Well technically she kissed me but yeah, I did."

       There was a long pause until Albus broke the silence, "I'm going take the role of 'protective family member' because Hugo is too young to do this. So what are your intentions with my cousin."

       Scorpius paused. Out of all the scenarios he thought this conversation could of gone in, he wasn't expecting this. "I uh... I really don't know. I haven't spoken to Rose since it happened and Ron fainted. I mean if she wants to you know, come a thing; I wouldn't be opposed to it. She said the she liked me back but that doesn't mean she wants to get together! I'm mean you're the only one that really knew I liked her!" Scorpius said as his voice rose.

       "Woah woah woah, I never said I was pissed at you!" Albus interrupted him, "I totally support you if you want to be with Rose. I just want you to know that while I am here to support both of you, she still is my cousin and if you hurt her, you will have not only me but the entire Weasley and Potter family after you."


       "So," Albus continued, "How are you gonna tell Rose?"

       While to two boys continued their conversation, they failed to notice the 14 year-old bookworm listening in on their conversation.


       "So what did you want to talk about with us Teddy?" Remus asked Teddy who was currently outside with him and Tonks.

       "Well," Teddy began, "I didn't know if I should tell you this but Sirius thinks that this should be an exception to the timeline. Besides, we can always obliviate you guys which is probably what we are going to do, I just need you guys to know even if you won't remember later."

       "Talk slower Teddy," Tonks chuckled, "Just tell us what's up." Remus and Tonks looked towards him with smiles plastered across their faces, not knowing that the next words spoken would change their lives forever.

        "So, you know my name is Teddy. What you don't is my last name... which is Lupin," Teddy finished, nervous how his parents will react.

      "You mean to tell me, that I'm your- your father?"

      "Yes, you both are my parents..." Tonks looked towards Remus. They shared a similar glance at one another.

       "Me too?" Tonks asked.

       "Yeah..." Teddy said as his eyes filled with tears.

       "Teddy, if you don't mind me asking. None of the other children are allowed to tell their parents that they are their children. Why is this such and exception? I mean, your such a nice kid. I don't think me or Tonks would give you away."

       Teddy looked up at his father's confused face, "This is an exception because all the other children get grow up with their parents... and I didn't."

       Teddy's parents looked at him silently. They didn't know what to think. "What do you mean? Did we die?" Remus questioned.

         "Yeah, actually. That's why I wanted to tell you guys. I never got at a chance to meet you." As the words came out, tears started to fall from Teddy's eyes. His parents, processing the words that came of his mouth, began to cry. The thought of not being able to nurture and care for their child was too much to handle.

       "What...what happened to us? Why did die?" Tonks asked.

       "To save Hogwarts," Teddy said in between sobs, "to save me. Harry said that you," Teddy said directing his conversation towards Tonks,"decided to leave me with Grandma Andromeda to make sure we won the battle, so I didn't have to grow up with the Dark Lord in power. You ran off after dad who was planning to lead a group of fighters into the grounds. Harry said the next time you saw you, you guys were lying in cot dead; side-by-side." Teddy collapsed on the ground, crying into his lap.

      Remus and Tonks didn't know what to say. They sat down on the floor, hugging Teddy in one big pile. They hugged in silence, because a hug was all they needed to reassure each other everything was going to be okay.

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