Chapter 5

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       By the time Harry reached his room, there was no time to hide, Ron was hot on his trail with Ginny close behind him.

       The door bursted open to reveal Ron looking very angry, " THREE BLOODY TIMES HARRY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!"

       "I am Ron! Can't you understand that I haven't done anything wrong! Obviously they are from the future so nothing has happened yet! I don't like your sister that way! I never have! And apparently I do in the future but that means that you are okay with it! I would never marry your sister if my best friend was going to hate me forever!" Harry retaliated.

       Just then, Ginny ran through the door, out of breath from chasing after her brother.

       "Fine but when that day comes! We are going to have a very serious conversation!" Ron finished before storming out of the room and back downstairs. This left Harry and Ginny in a very awkward situation.

       "So.... you and me Potter, who would of guessed?" Ginny said starting off the conversation.

      "Yeah... me and you..." Harry said rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

       "Look I know this might be weird but obviously we love each other in the future. Enough to have three kids I might add.... but that doesn't mean that we have to awkwardly start things now. We have time Harry.... so don't stress."

       "Yeah... you're right Ginny I'm sorry. I'm just still trying to process everything," he he said plopping down onto the bed.

       "It's fine," Ginny said sitting next to him, "I'm trying to process everything too. You know.. its quite funny really I used to have a crush on you in my first year," she said letting out a chuckle. "I tried to make myself believe that you were my soulmate."

       "Well those kids downstairs proved you were not that far off..." he said as Ginny rested her head on his shoulder.

       "Yep.. not far at all..."


       Back in the guest room, the future kids sat silently. They felt awkward as Teddy left them in the room alone with Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Order.

       "Well," Molly started staring at the adults, " I believe that we have a meeting we need to get back to. Come on now, we'll meet Sirius in the kitchen. Ron, Hermione, George, and Fred, I expect you to be back in your rooms soon."

       All of the adults filed out, grabbing Sirius on their way to the kitchen. Teddy came back into the room, his eyes still watery from his conversation with Sirius. He was surprised to see all the kids participating in silent activities. Rose was reading a book that was in her bag that had an extension charm on it, given to her by her mom, Lily and Hugo were right next to her trying to understand the complicated words, much higher than their current reading level. James, and Fred II were trying to plan out their next prank for when they return to 2020, and Albus and Roxie, were trying to convince Scorpio to go up and talk to Rose about their previous situation.

       Teddy and Victoire were astonished at how quiet the kids were being, probably the first time in forever that they all were co-existing with out any repercussions. They almost forgot about the younger versions of their family sitting in the corner trying to make sense at how this was happening. All of a sudden, a buzzing came from inside Teddy's pocket, "Guys Harry's calling us again."

       All the kids gathered around Teddy once more to visualize their parents in the mirror with the present kids behind them, curious at what they would see. The mirror begin to clear of fog and Harry appeared in the mirror once more.

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