Chapter 12

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In the attic, George sat with his knees close to his chest. Finding out that his twin would die soon was a lot of information to process at once. Tears started to roll down his cheeks at the thought of loosing Fred; but then the sound of an apparition was heard behind him. It was Fred of course; he slowly made his way over to his twin crouching while he place a hand on his back.

Fred was about to speak but George beat him to it, "You knew didn't you. That's why everyone from the future freaked out when they saw you. That's the reason you came out of the guest bedroom crying. You knew and you lied to me!"

Fred had never seen this side of his twin before. They had never gotten in an argument before especially about lying. They always told each other everything.

"I'm sorry Georgie! You future self told me not to tell you. He said if he couldn't handle it in the future he was bloody sure he couldn't handle in now. I have to agree with him George. Look at you."

George continued to sob, ignoring all of Fred's words.

"I just can't picture a world without you!" he lunged himself at Fred, pulling him into a hug.

"I know George I know."

The twins sat there, hugging in silence. They knew if they tried to speak anymore, their streams of tears would never end. So they sat hugging for as long as they could before they heard the future people call for them from the kitchen.


Ron ran into the guest room. How could they be friends with him! He thought to himself. Just as he sat down on the bed, the door opened to reveal his older self.

"We need to talk," he said.

"I have nothing to say to you," Present Ron replied.

"Yes you do! You need to grow the bloody hell up before the end of Hogwarts or you'll be stuck as a little prat forever! And I don't want to be a little prat!"

"Then why are you associating yourself with Malfoy!? Letting our daughter date him is ridiculous!" Present Ron said standing up in frustration.

He knew this was the wrong move as his older self charged at him, grabbing his shirt, "Scorpius is one of the most well behaved kids I know! So grow some balls and learn to except him!" Future Ron stepped back again, releasing his grip from his younger self, "Now I can see what Hermione says about my temper from school. And don't you even try to deny your feelings for her! Remember I'm you! I know how long you've been crushing on her for!"

Future Ron expecting some sort of denial anyways before present Ron spoke, "I kissed her."

Future Ron turned around, "You what!?"

"I kissed her. After we found out that we get married. To be honest she kind of kissed me."

"Well thats our Hermione."

"It indeed is."

Future Ron made his way back over to the bed where his younger self was sitting, "Tell me more about this kiss. You might not remember it after we leave but I want to remember my first time kissing my wife."

A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter! There is only one left but I'm not sure when I'm going to post it. I'm working on another story right now and I don't knows when that will be up either. I like writing the entire story before posting to get my mind off of it and right now I'm in sort of a writers block. Anyways, that will be up soon and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! -Em

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