Jared x Reader (I'm here for you)

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Word count: 651
Warnings: depression, self harm,
Requested: Yes! It was requested by yandere_authorsenpai


(Y/n) POV:

Life was awful. And I was done with it. I was crying in the bathroom, curled up in the corner. There were cuts on my arms. Senior year was killing me. And the only thing stopping me from ending it is my best friends Evan and Jared.

     I decided to skip 3rd period cause that's just art. I love art but today I wasn't feeling it. So I came to the bathroom. And that's where I stayed.

Jared's POV:

     3rd period started like 10 minutes ago. Where is (Y/n)!?!? "Hey Evan have you seen (Y/n)?" I asked getting worried. "N-no I haven't." He stumbled over his words like he always does.

     I shook my head to get the bad thoughts out of my head. "Alright imma go to the bathroom real quick." I got permission and left. But it was weird. As I passed the girls bathroom I could hear someone in there.

I slightly opened the door and saw no one in there. But I could see someone's feet under one of the stalls. "(Y/n)?" I called out. The response was just sniffling. And just by that I knew who it was.

I fully walked in and pushed open the stall door. "(Y/n)?!? Oh my gosh!" I was worried when I saw blood trickling down her arm. "Hey let's clean you up." I pulled her to the sink and washed off her arm. She kept sniffling and occasionally a tear would roll down her cheek.

     "What's wrong? You had me scared half to death when I didn't see you in art." I calmly told her. She held her head down and frowned. I hated seeing her like this.

     "Here let's sit down." I sat on the floor and she sat beside me. I put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her. "I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you (Y/n)." I whispered softly.

     She laid her head on my shoulder. "It's okay." I quietly said. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I decided to break it.

"Hey (Y/n). I have a question." She looked at me with her big (e/c) eyes. "Why did you do it?" She looked away as I asked my question. "No one cares. The only thing stopping me from ending everything I have is you and Evan." She frowned.

It made me sad to hear her say that. "(Y/n) I care. Evan cares. It may hurt but you'll get through it." I told her. "How?" She sounded unsure.

"Because. I'm here." I leaned in and pressed my lips on hers. We pulled apart and she was in shock. "I'm sorry." I said getting up. "No no I liked it." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me down.

I chuckled as she said "do it again.". And so I did. But this time eh let's just say was unexpected.

     "Jared Kleinman!!! What are you doing in the girls bathroom!?!?" Alana Beck was standing at the door with her mouth wide open. "Eh heh yeah I should go! See you later (Y/n)!" I ran out the bathroom back to art. That was awesome.

(Y/n) POV:

     Jared ran out of the bathroom and I had a huge smile on my face. That was awesome! Things after that day got better. A lot better. And Jared and I got really close. We started dating and I felt so much better.


Hey guys it's the official first chapter of this book! I won't always put an a/n here but I just wanted to say sorry for not getting chapters in any book out right now. I'm still working on my narrative for school but I'll slowly be writing and getting things out. I hope you enjoyed! :)

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