Zoe x Female Reader (Am I weird?)

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Word count: 1100
Warnings: a sad Zoe
Requested: Yah by @Sophia_Rose__
Other: sorry for being so late. I have been trying to follow my schedule and I have other requests sooooo sorry. I hope you enjoy!


(Y/n) POV:

     I wasn't really popular in school. But I wasn't a total nerd or geek either. I was just that normal kid who would mind their own business. Nothing special. Now I've never really thought about my sexuality. I mean I think I like boys. But there's this one girl who seems to just catch my attention. Zoe Murphy. Sister of Connor Murphy. I don't really have a lot of classes with her. Just like two. And that's science and art.

It was just a regular day in class. But we were assigned partners for a science project we were gonna be doing. I was picked to be with Zoe. Immediately, as soon as the teacher said her name partnered with my name my face heated up quickly. I covered it so no one could see. Why though? Do I like her? Those thoughts seem to race around in circles in my head throughout the day. Almost everyday too.

     So we pair up and plan to go over to my house after school. The bell rings and we go separate ways. Jared walks up from behind me and places his elbow on my shoulder as we walk to lunch.

Zoe's POV:

     We were in science class getting paired up into twos for our science project. I really didn't care. I played around with my pencil, not paying attention. Suddenly I heard the teacher call out "(Y/n) (L/n) you'll be with Zoe Murphy." I felt a blush creep onto my face. I looked back and saw her cover her face. I've never really liked no one. I've always liked hot male celebrities but she makes me feel different. I've never considered it but I think I might be bi.

     Before the end of the class we both agreed on going to her house after school to work on the project. As soon as the bell rang I ran out of the classroom. I met up with my friends and walked to lunch. I turned and looked over my shoulder to see (Y/n) and Jared talking and laughing. It made me frown but I cleared my head and just kept on walking.

(Y/n) POV:

The day soon came to an end and I walked home alone like my normal routine. Everything was quiet until Zoe appeared by my side. "Hi!" She waved. I waved back and gave her a smile. "I figured we could walk to your house together." She smiled. "Yeah s-sure." I told her. "Great!" She smiled once again. We walked to my house in silence after our short conversation.

     I pulled out an extra key and unlocked the door. "My mom and dad won't be home till later so we have the house all to ourselves!" I said. "Sweet!" She looked around and we went upstairs. I set my backpack on the ground and sat next to it. I pulled out my science book and some other supplies. Zoe did the same and we started to work.

     After a while Zoe decided to break the silence. "So do you like anyone at school?" She asked. I stopped what I was doing and didn't look up. "N-no." I mumbled. I continued working and she asked another question. "Do you like Jared?" once again I stopped working and slowly lifted my head. My face heated up. "N-no we're just friends!" I replied.

     "Hmm." She hummed in response. "Why? Do you like someone?" I asked. "Um I don't know." She said. I gave her a confused look. "How do you not know?" I questioned. "I just uh don't really know yet." She continued working and I had a slight frown. I didn't bother picking my pencil up again. And Zoe seemed to notice.

     "D-do you like a certain gender?" She asked more serious this time. I was confused why she was asking these questions. "I uh don't really know either." I told her. She gave a frown before leaning in. She was inches away from kissing me before I put my hands up to stop her. "Hold on Zoe. Do you like me?" I asked. Her face was red from embarrassment.

     "I shouldn't have tried this." She said. She gathered her things and slung her backpack on her back. "Wait Zoe don't go!" I tried to stop her. "I'm really sorry (Y/n)!" And with that she ran out of the house. I stood there in shock as to what just happened. My mind didn't know what to think. I needed to talk to her tomorrow.

~~~Next Day~~~

     I was still shocked about yesterday's events. We were in science class and I didn't see Zoe anywhere. "Um may I go to the bathroom?" I raised my hand and asked. "Yes you may miss (L/n)." The teacher answered. I stood up and walked out of the class. I opened the door to the bathroom and heard someone slightly crying.

     I knocked on the stall door. "Zoe?" I asked. There was just sniffles. "What?" She answered after a moment. "Open up. I wanna talk with you." I said. I heard her get up and open up the stall door. She wiped her teared stained cheeks and blew her nose. "Before we talk, can I ask you something?" She asked. "Yeah sure."

     "Am I weird?" My eyes were wide. "N-no!" I told her. "So you don't think I'm weird for trying to kiss you?" She asked once again. "No all the way!" I told her again. She softly smiled. "Look I was just in shock from what you were doing." I explained. "Is it because I'm a girl?" I stood there for a few seconds before answering.

     "No it's just because I've never kissed anyone. And I didn't know what to do." I responded. "But I really do like you!" Her face lit up with happiness. I pulled her in and gave her the kiss that was meant for yesterday. When we pulled apart she was smiling so wide. "Thank you (Y/n)! For making me happy!" She smiled. "You made me happy too!"


Oof sorry for taking a while to update and get these requests out. It's just I have so many requests right now. So probably all this week I'll update this book so I can catch up. And again sorry for being so late.

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