Connor x Reader (Sleepover)

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Word count: 723
Warnings: a lot of flooooooooooof
Requested: Yes by VanessaFUUUUC


(Y/n) POV:

     Connor and I have been friends for forever! I remember the day we met like it was just the other day.


It was the first day of first grade. I walked in my class and a lot of kids were already there. Class didn't start till 8 and it was only 7:30. All the desks were filled except for one in the back beside a boy in a gray jacket. He had his head laying on his desk with his hood on.

     "Um hello!" I smiled. His head perked up and he looked at me with tired eyes. He grunted and laid his head down once again. "Can I sit next to you?" I politely asked. "I don't know. Can you?" He muttered. I bit my lip and just sat down. I put my back pack beside me and turned my head to look at the boy again.

"So um what's your name?" I asked. He looked up and stared at me. "Connor." He replied. "That's a nice name!" I cheerfully responded. "Eh yeah. How about you?" He leaned his head on his hand. "(Y/n)!" I brightly smiled. He nodded in response.

"Hey do you wanna be my friend?" I asked. He thought for a moment before answering. "I've never had a friend before. So sure." He shrugged. I gave him a smile and we continued to talk.

Flashback over

The years went by fast and we stayed friends. I was Connor's only friend so I made sure I was the greatest friend ever!

     Tonight I was going over to Connor's house to do studying for a big test we had in math. I knocked on the door and silently waited. The door opened and Zoe was standing there. "Uh is Connor home?" I asked. "Yeah! Connor your girlfriend is here!" She shouted up the stairs.

     My face heated up as she called me his girlfriend. "She's not my girlfriend!" Connor said walking down the stairs. He shooed Zoe off and took me to his room. "Heh sorry about her." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh uh it's fine." I told him. We did our studying and it was not fun at all.

     "Ughhhhh it's so boring!" I groaned. "Hey why don't you stay over at my house?" He suggested. I thought about it and grabbed my phone.

Me: hey can I stay over at Connor's house?

Dad: do you have any homework?

Me: no I did it with Connor.

Dad: then yeah I don't care.

Me: thanks!

"My dad said I could stay over!" I cheered. "Then it's a sleepover!" He threw his hands up in the air. He ran out of the room and came back after a few minutes. "PRINGLES!!!" He screamed throwing a can at me. "Ow!" I laughed. We hung out all night eating all kinds of food and doing different things.

"I'm tired." I yawned while curled up in a ball against the wall. Connor came over and sat beside me. "It's always fun hanging out with you." I leaned my head on his shoulder. He played around with my hair.

     "Hey (Y/n). I know we've known each other for a while and we've always stayed close friends but lately I've been thinking about taking it farther than that." He stopped playing with my hair and grabbed my hand.

     "Connor people think I'm weird for hanging out with you. They don't understand why I chose to be friends with you. But I think taking this step will change a lot." I told him looking into his brown eyes. "So is that a yes or no?" He asked.

     "Yes!" I chuckled. He gave me a hug and smashed his lips on mine. I enjoyed the kiss and we broke apart for air. "Thanks (Y/n) for giving me this shot." He smiled. "Well I love you Connor!" I smiled even bigger. "I love you too!" He muttered. And we both fell asleep together right there against the wall.


Sorry for not updating in a while! And sorry for the bad chapter. I'm trying to write but this second quarter of school is taking a lot of energy out of me. But I'll try and update more frequently.

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