Connor x Reader (Paranoid/halloween)

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Word count: 1025
Warnings: a paranoid reader and a little bit of bullying
Requested: yessss by odd-croissant
Other: I don't really know how to write with people paranoid so I'm gonna try my best. Just don't judge XD. And also this is like a little Halloween one since it's coming soon!


(Y/n) POV:

I like Halloween! I really do! But it haunts me. With all the scariness and people dressing up like old and new horror films it's creepy and taunts me. I don't even watch horror movies! There's just something about seeing people dress up as their favorite scary villains that make me paranoid. It's hard to get through the Halloween spirit without freaking out or going blank for a few minutes. But it helps that I have my boyfriend Connor to get through it.

He won't care if you make him watch anything scary. He just says if it's ever real kick it in its no no spot and run. But it's never real so it'll never matter. His words not mine. I don't know how he's not paranoid about it. Maybe it's just me. But Halloween is tomorrow and boy should this be fun.


I woke up for school. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I put on a little makeup since I was too lazy to put on a lot. Let's just face the fact that I'm always to lazy to do anything in the morning. I made my way downstairs. No one was home like the usual morning. Dad was at work and mom left us a couple years ago. So it's just been us.

     I skipped breakfast like I always do and left for school. I walked down the sidewalk until I stopped at Connor's house. He came out wearing his normal black pants and gray jacket over his black shirt. He tossed his satchel over his shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back and gave a slight wave. "Hey." He said. "Hi!" I kissed his cheek. "You ready for school?" He asked. "I guess." I mumbled.

     "I just wanna get Halloween over with." I said louder for him to hear. "But you love Halloween! Minus the paranoia you have about it." He said. "I'm just not feeling it this year." I simply stated. He shrugged his shoulders as we continued walking. When we arrived at school everyone had some kind of Halloween shirt or socks or something. "Heh I guessed we were a little unprepared." I chuckled. He chuckled back. "Eh it's fine."

     We walked into the building and went our separate ways to our lockers. My locker was on the other side of the building. So Connor had to walk all the way to the other side alone. I opened my locker and grabbed the stuff I needed for my first 3 periods. "H-hey (Y/n)!" I turned around and saw Evan Hansen standing there. "Oh hey Evan." I smiled at him. When I don't have classes with Connor, which we don't have many together, I hang out with Evan and very rarely Jared.

     "Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked. "Nah I'm just gonna sit outside and hang with Connor." I told him. "O-oh. Sounds fun!" He stuttered. "Yeah. I guess." I muttered the last part softly. "Well uh have a nice Halloween!" I watched him walk away then continued to grab my stuff. A hand slammed my locker shut. "Hey it's the school shooter's girlfriend!"

James Reynolds (yup I'm sorry James Reynolds lovers). The biggest bully in school. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to shove my way through him. "Hey you can't leave yet!" He taunted. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Why was he messing with me! He never does since he knows I'm with Connor. "How's your Halloween paranoia? Seeing people dressed up as different scary things!" He taunted. As he taunted me everything froze then went black.

Connor's POV:

I was walking over to (Y/n)'s locker. Yeah it was a long walk but I kept most of my stuff in my satchel. It wasn't much anyways. As I turned into the hall with her locker I noticed James Reynolds standing in front of her. He was laughing as she stood there frozen with no movement. She didn't even blink.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I yelled running over there. "Oh no don't go and start shooting anyone!" He pretended to whimper. He chuckled as he walked away. I shoved his back forward and he stopped and turned around. "You really wanna go Murphy?" He growled. "Well you decided to mess with my girl. I think it's only fair I get to mess with you.'' I growled back.

He shoved me into the lockers and I shoved him back. We kept yelling and shoving each other and almost got into an actual fight.

(Y/n) POV:

Everything was black until I could see normal again. I was able to hear and see what was going on around me. I heard Connor yelling and James yelling back there was shoving and I finally realized what was happening. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop!" I yelled shoving my way in between the two. "Connor leave it alone!" I calmly told him. "He'll get what he deserves when he's in hell!" I growled at James. He growled back and walked away.

"Are you okay?" Connor put his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah I am." I told him. "Thank goodness." He pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. "I just hope it doesn't get worse." He gave a soft smile. "I hope it doesn't too. But at least I have you to help me  get through it." I said. He hugged me once again. "I love you (Y/n)." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too Connor."


Oof that probably could've been better. Oh whale! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and happy Halloween! I won't post tomorrow since it's Halloween so I'll update my Hamilton x reader one shot book Friday. Just thought you guys should know. Bye!

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