It was sunny yesterday

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Some people fall head over heels in love but when I met him I wasn't too sure if it was love I was feeling. I know that we have known each other for a month but when he told me I was beautiful it felt like the world stopped. But then it started again and I felt sad, like a puppy was just hit by a car and I had witnessed it. This wasn't what it was supposed to feel like, it was wrong... so wrong.

The rain outside was dreadful and it wouldn't stop. It was like the weather was a reflection of how I was feeling... confused... it was sunny yesterday.

"Olive, time for dinner" My mother, I can never really tell if she's mad or not because of her sarcastic attitude and the way that she talks, generally yelling over the top of my siblings.

Being the middle child was difficult in my family as I'm not treated like a baby, that was Jackson, who turns 10 this year, and I'm never given responsibility or freedom, that was Alex. Did I mention I'm the only girl?

Jackson is so clingy is annoying, he has developed an attitude too so when he doesn't get to hold mums hand it's scary.

It was my job to set the table (more like two tables pushed together) and round up the rest of my brothers. First stop Alex's room, the most compliant (surprisingly as he is 19).

"Alex, dinner is about ready!"

"Ok, thanks, Olive"

Next was Toby, the hardest to get out (he is 17). Then was me (16), Then there is Jake (13).

I also have another brother named Max but he lives with his Mum in a different city around two towns away. My dad? Don't see him a lot, yeah he kinda lives with us but he might as well not because he is mostly either at work or taking 'work trips' most of us know that no loving man could leave his family for six months on a work trip and not even call. Mum and Jackson are the only ones that are too blind to see this.

"When is dad back?" Jake asked, making his way down the stairs finally. Everyone else had been waiting for about ten minutes.

"Soon, hopefully," mum replied bluntly. I knew that she was beginning to doubt him. When will this woman kick him out and move on?

I looked across the table to see a flash of fury across Toby's eyes as Jake took a seat. I silently prayed for him to keep his mouth shut.

"WHEN WILL YOU WAKE UP TO SEE THAT DAD DOSEN'T LOVE US?!" Toby shouted, slamming his knife into the table, causing all of us to jump. Well, my prayer wasn't answered but at least now Mum might get the idea.

"What are you talking about?!" Mum questions in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I-its true," I say standing up from my seat. "He is never around and he never makes an effort, you know it, you just won't let yourself admit it, its time to face reality Mum." And with that I leave, I just couldn't be in that cramped household anymore. Things were starting to feel like they were falling apart and I don't know how to mend them.


"Sam?" I rang the doorbell once again. Sam was the only person who I felt genuinely cared about me and not just because they feel like they have to, in other words, my family.

"Olive? what are you doing out here? Its cold, come in." Sam said in a worried tone.

Once I was inside on the couch with a blanket tucked around me I opened up "Sam, I can't go back home." I said, a little scared.

"Why? Is your Dad back?" Sam asked. We were facing each other sitting crosslegged on the couch in his living room.

"No, but that's the thing, he is never home and Mum was oblivious to it." I started "Until tonight when Toby decided to spoil dinner and shout at mum to make her understand that dad is probably not going to come back." I sniffled, feeling like my sunny days are over and now I have to face the storm that has been brewing since the beginning. My Dad was forced into marriage by his parents because of their religious beliefs or something. My mum, however, believed that my Dad actually wanted to marry her and of course, she said yes because that's how gullible she is. My Dad lied to her because he wanted to guarantee a marriage with her and to keep up that lie he gave her children to occupy her.

Sam noticed a tiny droplet of salty water drip down my cheek and instinctively wiped it away before pulling me into a hug where I let all my emotions loose and began to sob. "Your even cute when you cry" Sam smiled. This compliment made me giggle. "But even prettier when you smile," he said pulling away from me. I think I was starting to like Sam and not in the friendship way... but then I remembered that I couldn't fall and shuffled away.


"Olive, you are welcome to stay here if you want." Sam offered. I had nowhere else to go.

"What about your parents?" I asked, my shoulders still stiff.

"They are out"


And that is how I ended up in Sam's room on the floor on a blow-up mattress. Stuck thinking about the reasons why I couldn't fall in love, it was a dangerous situation I was in and I didn't know how to get out of it, without losing Sam of course.


Hey, I hope you like this story so far. I wonder why she can't fall in love with Sam? Mabey it has something to do with forced marriage? You will see.

I'm trying to get to 1,000 words per chapter and get to know my readers so I will be doing question of the days:

How are you liking the story?


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