Chapter 13- Selena

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Selena was tracing her pups face gently and she can already tell that it was sleeping peacfully. Her daughter Lily was the moon goddess chosen protector... the protector was still a young pup, small and weak. She couldn't help but feel sad...Her daughter will carry a big burden. She will go in so much pain. With a sigh she kissed her daughters forehead

No matter what Selena will stay at her daughters side, she will do anything to protect her pup. Her beloved pup.

''Selena my dear child.'' She heard her grand mother spoke. She smiled and look upon the moon.

''Yes my dear mother?'' She felt a hand touch her cheeks gently.

''It is the time for your suffering to end. The will of fate had finally moved, you will be needing you eyes to protect and cherish your protector.'' After that Selena felt the hand of the moon goddess moved and cover her eyes. And at last when she opens it she first saw the bright and big moon, tears started to pour from her eyes.

''Thank you...thank you so much.'' Selena said with tears in her eyes. After that she stared at her daughter. A strong surge of love and awe hit her. Nothing else is as beautiful as her child. She cradel her and kissed her forehead. Selena's eyes stays the same. Like the moon itself, Selena felt her baby move, her smile got wider and her eyes were filled with tears as her  baby for the first time had finaly opened her beautiful eyes. Just like her mother's eye. It was like the moon.

''Hey there.'' She mumble, the child stared back at her mother before showing a smile. Unlike Selena who was born blind, her baby isn't. She's not blind she can clearly see her mother.

''Did mama wake you up?'' She asked her baby. She smiled when her daughter burried her face into he chest and start sucking. Selena removed her bra and lift her t shirt up, She let Lily feed from her milk.

''Selena? Selena?'' Selena slowly opened her eyes to see Vallerie. She was laying sideways on the bed with her baby soundly and safely tuck by her side.

''Y-yes'' Vallerie smiles. Selena stared at her mate in awe...She was as beautifull as ever,she lifts her hand and traced her face, Vallerie grabs her hand and gently kissed it.

''Time to wake up. I brought you breakfast.'' Selene slowly sat up, she gently lift her child to put her on her crib.

''Thank you so much love.'' She said kissing her wifes cheeks.

''You sleep at her room again my love.'' Selena's smile drops from her face, she was still terrified of her other mates. She had nightmares of that faithful night, even though she can't see them at that time, the pain and there touch kept on hunting her.

''A-are they mad?'' She asked biting her lower lips.

''No. They weren't, now eat. We still have a lot of things to do.'' Vallerie was staring at Lily who was still sound asleep.

''The boys were so protective of her.'' Vallerie said breaking the silence. Her sons was Two years old when Selena and her meet.

''I know...Just like there fathers.'' Selena bit her lower lips and stared at  Vallerie. Feeling her gaze Vallerie smiled and sat next to Selena.

''Love stop staring at me and eat.'' She said caressing her mates cheeks. Selena smiled and leaned in her mates touch.

''I can't help it, you're even more beautiful now that i can see you.'' Vallerie's smiles widen for a minute before realization hit her and her face morp into shock.

''W-what?'' She asked making Selena giggled

''I can see you as clear as the moon and the night stars.'' Vallerie's eyes were filled with tears of joy, she hug Selena.

''O praise the moon goddess!'' Selena hug Vallerie back and kissed her cheeks.

''Can you bring me to the beach?'' She kindly asked. Vallerin nodded. And wiped her tears away.

''Of course absolutely yes''


''And there are real mermaids i swear.'' Adonis told Nina on his office as she was comfortably sitting on Adonis laps.

''Your bluffing right?'' Adonis shook his head, he hug Nina from behind.

''No. You know Misandrist right? Her other mother was a mermaid. She came from one of the island in the Philippines. I think it was batanes, or palawan. Also Misandrist is the half sister of Selena and the younger sibling of the twin Luna of the Hunter and the Red pack who owned the camp sawi.'' Nina nodded her head, she was holding a book about a tale of a mermaid and it's mate.

''The Vallerian pack...There main purpose was to help the Protector right?'' Adonis nodded. He closed the book that Nina was reading then he helped her stands, Adonis brought nina to a wall were a family tree was placed.

''The last protector was Luna Josephine. By her side stands the Five chosen Alphas. And the Vallerians are the army. The Vallerians are under the rule of the five chosen Alphas and the five are under the protector's command.''

''What are the purpose of the five?''

''The five is the counselor who will make sure that equality, peace and love would remain in the immortal world.'' Adonis leaned down and kissed Nina's head.

''And our future pup might be one of the counsilors.'' Adonis kissed Nina's temple. The two stay silent for a minute just standing there and staring at the family tree. Until they heard there Beta.

''Sir! Sir! I'am so sorry to disturb you but the Kings arrived unannounced.'' Beta Ryan looks sweaty as if he just got finish with his training. With a growl Adonis marched out the house  but not before ordering Ryan to stay with his Luna.

Nina was about to follow when Ryan stops her.

''How about we go to your sister's cave? Luna?'' Nina's smile widen at Ryan's suggestion. Nina noded quickly. So eager to see her two sisters.

''Follow me please.''

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