Chapter 48

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Bryan stood infront of his brother's cell. He couldn't move, he couldn't comprehend what just happen. Last night he was just going fine and now....he is chained and acting like a rabid animal.

Bryan couldn't even look at Nina's face. The hurt in her eyes were very visible that it hurts him too.

"Snap out of it brother." He said looking at Adonis eyes that were black, the veins had completely cover his body.

"Snap out of it. C'mom, don't succumb to it." Adonis trashed, he was pulling at the thick chain, trying to set himself free. He then shouted.

Bryan just shook his head and walked out of the cell. They are all in grave danger, and they must found a way to seal those gates. Sighing, Bryan went to their room and he saw Nina lying in their bed. She's hugging Adonis's pillow and smelling it trying to find comfort in it. Bryan hadn't marked her yet as his, so his pressence doesn't help a lot either.

"How is he?" Nina asked him sitting up. Bryan just shook his head and sat beside her. He place his forehead againts Nina.

"He'll be fine, he's strong. He can fight it" Nina only smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I thought it'll be all fine now. I never thought this would happen, after all we've been through. I just wanted my happy ending. When will i have it?" She asked him. Bryan sat next to her and hugged her, he then kissed her forehead.

"I'll give it to you. No matter what happen." He promised, he then kissed her shoulder. He must give Nina the things she wanted.

"I just wanted him back. I wanted to go home." She then burried her head in Bryan's chest, inhaling his scent and trying to calm down.

"We will have him back."


"Snap out of it you jerk." She said glaring at Adonis.

"I've went through so many shits and i won't let it end here. Snap out of it." Adonis only growled, Author shook her head. She must do something. Their futur depends on it. The goddess hadn't contacted her, she didn't even give her any clue. And the next wolf moon is near. If that happens then and Adonis is still in this posistion, then it will be a lot harder to control him.

"C'mon Adonis, your mate needs you. Nina needs you." She said, She heard the crackling of the chains. He became much more stronger.
Author clenched her teeth.

"Guards, double check his chains, we can't let him escape." She ordered them before leaving. There hadn't been any news about the hell hound. Maybe the king of hell is just testing them.


Nina wipe her tears away as she calmed down. For the past few days her emotions seems to be more sensitive, she's been moody. Maybe it's because of her problems.

"I missed him." That must have been the 5th time she had said that to Bryan.

"We all miss him. Now c'mon let's sleep for a while."

A/N: sorry for the short chapter guys

Please stay safe
Godbless you all

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