Chapter 36

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''BITCH!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! BITCH!!!!'' Author was raging in anger, her blood is boiling. She'd been insulted. Georgia captured her and was drag in the cage. She was now sitting down with a group of rouges. Damn it she thought.

She sat down on the cold ground and rested her heard againts the thick metal bar. She then looked around the cell to see four girls staring at her curiously.

''What the hell?'' She said squinting her eyes, the girls  look harmless. They are young maybe just 18 or 16.

''What the hell are you doing here?'' She asked.

''I'am a lone wolf. I happened to tresspassed here when a group of rouge hunted me.'' The blonde one said, a lone wolf? Author had always been fascinated by them, they are the same as rouges but also different from them.

Rouges are a group of wolves who doesn't have a code and law to follow, they are free spirited yet wicked, they do not respect the others and would take what they want.

Lone wolves on the other hand have morals, dignity and integrity. Which the rouges lack.

Lone wolves doesn't follow the rule of the pack. They create there own and follow it. But just like rouges, they don't want to be ruled and to be commanded by an Alpha.

Lone wolves are respected. In the south they are guardians of the nature and sometimes messenger.

Author gaze fell on the others.

''I'am Isobelle, she is Gillian my sister and that is Wendy our cousin. We came from the old River pack. We run from an attack and just like her we unknowingly tresspassed here.'' The River pack. Author remembers that pack, they leave just near the border of the south and north and one of the most beautiful pack land she had ever seen.

''How long have you been here?'' She asked.

''We've been here for 5 months.'' Isobelle said. She glanced at the lone wolf.

''I'm stuck here almost a year and a half.'' She growled, Clearly Georgia doesn't have the right judgement. She really is heartless.

''What are you?'' The lone wolf asked.

''You are....something else, not a wolf, not a vampire, not a witch and not a human? What are you?'' She growled. She hated that question.

''I'am inbetween. I was born in the Era of the blood war. One of the booksman or book keepers.'' She said not giving a clear explanation.

''The blood war? That was like.....Millenia ago. How old are you?'' She smiled

''Older than the Valerian mountain pack. I am very old, I've witness many things.'' She look at each one of them, she could smell their curiosity.

''What does a book keeper do?'' Author sat up straight, oh she loves telling story.

''We write down the history of every being in the world. Whether it is an animal, a vampire, a witch , a wolf  or a human. And in each and everybook lies the characters. We watch every immortal and mortal beings. We are the one assigned to write their story.'' Giselle eyebrow furrowed.

''Do we have our own book? I mean does our story being written too?'' Author smiled.

''Yes but not me, someone else is assigned to write your story.'' She said, the Lone wolf sat straight.

''How does one became like you?'' Author hummed pretending to think.

''Well, you either be born with two different strong species or be blessed by the Goddess. In my case i was born with two different species as my parents. My mother is Half wolf and half witch. She the former Alpha of the Valerian River pack. My other mother is Siren who lives in the island of Philippines. They met during the rise of the war againts the hell hound and birth of the protector. I am there first born and since i'am a child of basicaly three species, i became a books keeper.''

''That must be cool.'' The lone wolf said, Author shook her head And then she said.

''Me being a bookswomen make me feel like a God sometimes, i got to see the past,the present and the future. I got to see everyone's fate, i got to see who dies, who lives, and who would tell the story...And that becames my curse'' her were now filled with sorrow, she gulp.

''I witness the death of my friends, i witness the death of my younger siblings since they are not immortals. They didn't became one or died in war I witnessed too many things, too many deaths. And each and everytime a character of mine dies, i also die. Maybe not physically but emotionally. It is hard to not get attached to the characters. They are your friends and sometimes your child, and it will pain you to know how fate would play with them. It is a curse, not a power nor a gift.'' The four girls just stared at her.

''Did i scare you?'' She asked, the girls shook there head. Author cleared her throat.

''I will talk to the queen and would ask her to set the four of you free.'' She stands up and pick a pin that was hidden in her hair. Sometimes she becames forgetful, with a few twist she manage to open the cell door.

''Come with me.'' The four quickly stands up and followed her. The guards where shock to see her out but they are quick to block her way, well not for too long since she compelled them to sleep.

''Good boys.'' And together they walk to the court room.

''How the hell did you get out?'' Georgia asked throug greeted teeths.

''Doesn't you butt hurts to sit all day in that golden throne?'' She asked standing infront of the queen.

''I will have those stupids wolfs head for letting you out.'' Author shook her head.

''No you will not!!!!'' Georgia growled.

''Let those girls go. Send the three to the Valerian River pack, and let the lone wolf live in one of your mountains.'' Georgia growled again.

''And why would i do that? Who are you to command me?.'' Glowing golden eyes stared at Author.

''I'am your mate. You bitch.'' She leaned down and kissed her, she felt the tense muscle of the queen relaxed.

''I will bargain with you, let them go. And i'am all yours...tonight.'' The queen raised her eyebrow with a sigh Author Added.

''For the rest of your life.'' With a satisfied grin the Queen said.

''You are all free, the lone wolf is free to claim what ever mountain she wants, as long as no one owns it.'' With a nod she turned back to the four girls, her eyes stared at the three other girls.

''Head to south, find the Lupine pack and ask for a safe passage, tell them my Name, and from then, head southwest and my sister will welcome you with open arms. Now go.'' The girls nodded and run off. She turned her attention back to the Queen.

''There had been a large hole in the south. It reeks of the scent of the hell hounds.'' She said straddling the lap of the Queen.

''Enough of that, it is not my problem.'' Author growled.

''It is your problem, the hell hound will rise! I can sense that it is an opening. The south will need your assitance.'' The queen held her waist and said.

''Fuck me and we will talked about this later.''

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